Son touching his mother with lust
1. If a son or biological mother touch each other with lust, will it break the marriage relation with son's father and mother?
2. If the husband's brother touches his brother's wife, will the nikaah break?
1. If a son or biological mother touch each other with lust, will it break the marriage relation with son's father and mother?
2. If the husband's brother touches his brother's wife, will the nikaah break?
Q: I want to know about Sulaimaan (Alayhis Salaam). I have heard he had 1000 wife and he had sex with them in a single night? Did he marry all of them before becoming a prophet or after becoming a prophet? Can you please give me the full details?
Q: What should one do if he feels waswasas in salaah?
Q: I have been getting shaitaani waswasas for a while now. I have read some duas and prayed to Allah for protection. But in a day I keep getting them 3-4 times. And these waswasas are so bad that I will prefer dying than speaking of it. I am very afraid. I am afraid that I may commit shirk or kufr if these waswasas keep coming in my mind. Please help me in this matter. Provide me some ways to get out of this situation.
Q: I have a question about urine drops. I took my four year old to the toilet and I wiped her first and her urine dropped on my hands as I went to reach out for the water I'm not sure if the urine went anywhere else. It was a very small drop but I didn't think it would go anywhere up until I went to wash my hands.
Q: Are females allowed to dye their hair blue black?
Q: What is the ruling regarding covering of food. Does fruit in a fruit bowl need to be covered? Does a container with food in it need to be covered further?
Q: My wife has periods wherein bleeding stops after three days. Can I get intimate with her after three days or should I wait more. Please clarify.
Q: I want to know that I gave talaaq to my wife once and then we revoked. After a year there was some problem again and I gave her Talaaq once. After about a week of second time, she started insisting with me that she did not listen that I gave her talaaq so it is not valid because she did not listen but I remember that I had told her talaaq one time. We want to know what Deen says in this case if husband say that he gave talaaq but wife says I did not hear? There was no other person at that time who can give testimony. Also, what Islam says that how we should proceed further as after revoking still there are fights and there is a chance that there may be talaaq again. I have asked my wife to sign a paper in front of Qur'an not to repeat those things which caused the fight because she did not want to bring any elder between us.
Q: I want to ask that can a woman teach others Qur'an (only by looking into the Qur'an and not touching) while she is in her menses.