Remaining a ma'zoor

Q: By the blessings of Allah I have controlled my urine problems very much. The thing is that I am not a sure whether I am still a ma'zoor or not because urine drops comes at 15 min, 20 min, 25min. There is no fixed time but whenever I wash my private part after that I compulsory get urine drop. If I don't wash my private and directly make wudhu then I may get 15 min to pray salaah, but salaah cannot be prayed with purity. Am I still considered a mazoor. Please help me. I am planning to go for jamaat for 40 days?

Cutting nails after sunset

Q: I am living in India, Mumbai. I am hearing from my childhood that its not good to cut nails after sunset or maghrib, it is not good or something bad will happen. Is it really so in Islam or anything mentioned in Islam about the timings of cutting the nails. I usually prefer cutting my nails on Friday mornings but sometime I am unable to do so because I have to leave early for work in morning and till I come home back its almost maghrib or sunset. What to do please suggest/can I cut nails after sunset or maghrib?

Joining family ties

Q: I am currently living in a joint family with my grandmother and uncles and now we are going to buy a new house separately since childhood I've seen my paternal showing hate towards me and my sibling also at my father and mother. My mother loves his mother but still she has a nature that she leaves no chance of degrading us. My mother scolds me for using bad words or having bad feelings for her but I cannot help it. She pretends to be sweet but she isn't with us. Recently she talked to me very differently. Mufti please tell me something through which I have sabar and we can sort out things. I will wait for you reply because it makes me frustrated.

Mental disability

Q: I would like to say first that I have a mental disability with schizo affective disorder and I have ocd and slip personality disorder. I have a difficult time doing mentally "knowing Allah is doing everything, controlling everything, saying insha Allah all the time, and using my body, and using the "means", and having correct intentions. Its very hard for me to do this. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this easier? Doing basic things are ultimately failing and I have no idea how to do this well. Forgive me for everything.