Hadith question

Q: I always meet this one uncle who I sometimes sit and talk with. He is just over 80 years of age. He wanted to know if there is any Hadith or mention in Qur'an about Almighty Allah being more merciful and forgiving to someone who reaches the age of 90 or any old age. He said he did ask some Imaam before but he still never got an answer so I said I will try my best to find out for him and let him know.


Q: I have two questions I want you to help me with. May Allah Ta'ala grant you the ability.

1. I want to know how to perform istighfaar Salaah with full details.

2. And also, are there any particular Surahs to be recited or any particular prayers to be performed for one to get married soon? They have been searching for a good groom for me for the past one year but nothing is become finalized and is failing for some reason or other. I don't know why but Allah knows best.

Sitting with people that are involved in sin

Q: I obey and respect my mother as Allah commands, however my mother is angry with me because she wants me to talk to her more, but this is difficult for me as she is always watching haraam shows on TV. I talk to her when she isn't watching TV. I assume it is not permissible to sit and talk to someone whilst they are watching haram things. Could you please clarify if this is halaal? If it is then I will do this so that my mother does not remain angry with me.