Video games

Q: I have a question, when I am not doing my coursework or studying Islam, reciting Quran, surahs, doing nafl actions, I like to play video games a little and in these video games you have to shoot bad people. These games don't contain any nudity, excessive gore, witchcraft or anything haraam. Could you tell me if these are halaal?

Family relations

Q: Is it compulsory for me to keep contact with my paternal aunts, uncles and their children. I kept a relationship with these people for so many years of my life, inspite of them backbiting against us and ruining our lives. My uncles have usurped our rights and fed their wives and children with our money. What am I supposed to feel when I see their houses and their belongings? I will be reminded of their deceit and the injustice done to us. These people have wrecked havoc in our lives and they deserve no respect from me. They simply do more evil to me if I am kind and be even more unjust. These people have done innumerable injustices to us for more than 25 years. It is because of them that my father strayed from the right path, they ruined his aakhira and supported him in his evil sins. Moreover all of my aunts, uncles and their children live in different countries. I don't have their numbers and my mother who has them refuses to give them to me and if I do keep a relationship with them, they will simply try to turn me against my mother and backbite against her. Moreover it is very expensive for me to phone them from the UK and we are poor people. Do you think I should keep a relationship with my father because Allah has said the rights of parents are huge but I know for a fact that my father will put pressure on me to get my mother to reconcile with him. However this is not possible as she tolerated his abuse, swears, adultery, alcohol, drugs and smoking. My father even slandered her, even though she is chaste. She even tolerated him not giving her any money for basic necessities for 25 years. I know my father has still not changed as he still continues to backbite against her and slander her even though she has obtained a khula, if my mother does want to remarry then she should get married to a pious man, my father doesn't deserve her.

Disobedient son

Q: Please pray for me. I have very bad stress. My son is answering back very badly. Shaitaan is following me. I feel like dying. I have been crying the whole day. My son 26 years, has no job and doesn't use any drugs but has no respect for parents like today he really hurt me. He says anything to me. I feel bad very bad. He doesn't bother to look for employment. He is very lazy. What do I do? He goes to the Musjid but I have to push him.


Q: Is drifting and overspeeding of a car haraam. Because recently my friends met with and accident and two of them died. My other question is that I heard that you will be risen on the day of judgement the way you die. How far is this true?

Making dua in sajdah

Q: What I wanted to ask you is that how can one make dua in sujood? Is it allowed for one to make dua in a speaking way in sujood or you just make dua in your heart when in sujood and the second thing is that I want to know how to make dua to Allah Ta'ala and at what time when some one has wronged you, has hurt you etc, what should I pray to just complain about that person to Allah Ta'ala?

Making towbah from zina

Q: I am now 27. 10 years ago I had sex with a girl. She is older than me and non muslim, but intercourse didn't happen. I was even wearing clothes. I asked many times forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. From that day, I went for hadd but the hazaraat told me it's not required in my case because any intercourse didn't happen. I am ready to do hadd. I feel very very very guilty of that and I face lot of problem in my life. I am struggling to get married so is it permissible do hadd in my case. Also sometimes I masturbate. I asked forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala again and again also for this I do hadd like hitting myself with a belt and burning myself with hot steel, pouring hot candle drops to my body. After repenting to Allah Ta'ala in this way again I masturbate. Is it permissible to hurt myself in such a way? I want to get married and want to do the jima' in the Halaal way. So I think Allah Ta'ala is expecting me to do hadd.

Reviewing videos on YouTube

Q: I want to make videos on YouTube in which I review children’s toys. My face will not be visible in the video. All you will see in the video is my hands and the toy. The toys will mostly be play dough, animal figures and human figures. Please advise if this is permissible.