
Q: Me and my husband just came to know that I am expecting our third child and I am 7 weeks pregnant. This is a unplanned pregnancy and Alhumdulillah we were satisfied with our 2 kids and were taking precautions but with Allah Ta'ala's will I am expecting our third one, but my husband wants me to terminate the foetus. He has worldly reasons time and money for better upbringing. I understand his anxiousness but I am really confused whether to follow my husband or to the laws of our creator Allah Ta'ala. Please advise.

Using FaceTime

Q: On my cell phone is a feature called FaceTime. This enables a person to speak with another by looking at their face in real time. What is the ruling regarding use of such a feature?

Touching the walls with napaak hands

Q: I had a little accident. I wet the bed at night so my clothes were soiled with urine and when I went to the bathroom to clean my self up, on the way, as the corridors in the house are narrow the clothes and my hand touched the walls and doors, what shall I do about that? will it be ok for me to spray the walls and door handles which I would have touched with cleaning spray, which is clear and smells different?

Removing impurities

Q: When a person has a wet dream or masturbates, he spreads impurity! When he spreads it, it (sperms) touches the furniture, the furniture is impure right?

1. How to clean the furniture (sofa)

2. How to do ghusal?



1. I would like to know about the taweez, some taweezes are written in numbers. So what have numbers to do with taweez or naqash?

2. As discussing worldly things in the Masjid is not allowed, so what about if someone put his visit cards of his business in the Musjid to get customers?

3. Does dua make and effect on our destiny. If something is written in our destiny, can dua can change it or not?