Secret nikaah

Q: I would like to know my friend is sixteen and he is getting married to a girl who is sixteen. He is going to have his two friends as witnesses and he will give mahr and both the boy and girl will sign a contract. They both are Muslims. I wanted to know if the nikaah will be accepted as there is no guardian from the girls side because her parents says it's to early to get married.

Giving extra zakaat

Q: Is it ok to give extra zakaat than the amount that is compulsory due incase in previous years you might have made a mistake because I have a lot of doubts and think things over and over again whether I did things right?

The importance of wearing a topi

Q: I had always been taught that the topi is the crown of a believer and part of the Sunnah attire. However, I was recently told by a close friend that the topi is not part of the Sunnah attire and has no basis in Deen. It was merely worn in the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) as a traditional dress. Is this true? Similarly, I would like to know whether the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) wore the topi at the time of Salaah.

Discharge from the private part

Q: I suffer from severe OCD. I constantly think I am napaak and worry about my prayer not being accepted due to it. So I'm constantly changing my clothes and doing ghusal. I know that normal vaginal discharge only breaks wudhu and that you only have to do ghusl if you have intercourse, wet dream, or orgasm. But sometimes I get very confused. Sometimes I will randomly feel tingling and feel some discharge and will be confused as to whether or not I have to perform ghusal because I don't think it was an orgasm because I didn't feel weak after, or fulfilled, or pleasure or anything like that. It just happens and I get very scared because I think I will have to do ghusal again because this happens frequently and at random times I can't control. Please help me. I am constantly obsessing over this. In this case do I need to perform ghusl or just wudu?