Doubts regarding urine drops

Q: Sometimes dreams are close to reality and you can't figure out at times. I'm unaware whether urine drops came out in my sleep or was it my doubt or a dream. I'm constantly doubting myself. I am a very doubtful person. Should I consider myself impure and the bedding or should I follow my doubt.

Bleeding for more than ten days


1. If a woman's menses exceeds ten days, then should she perform salaah?

2. What will the ruling be in the case where a woman bleeds for more than the days of her usual pattern of menses, but the blood then stops before ten days?

3. If she bleeds for more than ten days, can she have relations with her husband?

Resorting to Taweez in all affairs

Q: There is a developing trait wherein any issue arising in someone's life, people are resorting to Taweez. For example, a child regularly misbehaves or is ill, people are resorting to Taweez, believing that someone has done something to the child. A further example is where couples don't have children or to save oneself from nazar, they are told by family get a Taweez. I recognize that Taweez is permissible but is it correct to utilize it for every perceived or genuine problem with the potential that people subconsciously develop the conviction that Taweez is the remedy for all issues? 

Marital problems

Q: I'm married for eleven years. Recently I caught my husband watching porn. I was very upset because it was the second time. And he knows it's wrong. Recently our intimacy has been very less and I suspected that something was wrong. I told him a lot of hurtful things and at the same time expressed my feelings. The problem now is that I don't feel like having relations with him. I don't even like him to touch me. I feel so used and abused and I know that I will not accept him now knowing what is in his mind when he is with me. I'm so depressed and disappointed. I don't know what to do. Am I allowed to stop sexual contact with him or is this a big sin. And how can I get over this disappointment and go on with my life. Please help because I love my husband and I also hurt him.

Wazifa for depression

Q: I am battling with work conditions and have slumped into depression. I am seeking other work but Insha Allah it will come through perseverance. What is my condition with Allah Ta'ala because of my patience? What can one do to alleviate this depression as I read Qur'an but still struggling.

Wearing purda

Q: My wife is not in niqaab but in hijaab Alhamdulilah. I however desire this in my wife and often admire women in niqab desiring this for myself. Am I wrong for having this desire? Have I sinned for wanting this even if not for my wife. My wife is slightly inclined to this but I am not pinning my hopes on this. Do you think this is just my desires disguised? Please give me advise as this is bothering me much.

Anglo Rand investment

Q: I recently came across a Shariah compliant CFD from AngloRand and I am really bemused as to how they can offer that product when clearly they know that it is not Shariah compliant because gearing is involved and this sort of investment a person does not physically own a share in a company that they would enter into a CFD, perhaps Mufti you have heard of this type of CFD and can shed some light.