Zina with one's aunt

Q: I am 25 years old. I have made zina more than one time with my auntie (Mehram). I also drank her milk during intercourse. Later on we both stoped this sin and asked Allah for forgiveness for such a great sin. We have completely left this relationship. Now some family members are asking me to marry her daughter. I have a question. Is her daughter halal for me? Her mother and myself have left this shameful act and we are very embarrassed about the sin which we have done in past. Please guide me as soon as possible. I am very upset and there is some reason due to which there is pressure on me to marry her daughter.

Congregational zikr

Q: In my local Musjid sometimes after magrib salaah they do mehfil zikr for about 5-10 minutes. They would start off by turning off the lights and we would sit on the floor and have a main person who guides us through the zikr. Throughout the zikr I heard things or words that I have never heard of such as 'Haqhu' and 'Jalashanoo' they would say it in quite an aggressive way which gave me doubts regarding the zikr that had been taking place. My question is:

1. Is this whole gathering permissible?

2. The words used in the aggressive manner 'Haqhu and Jalashanoo' , can they be used?

3. What is Imam Abu Hanifas opinion regarding mehfil zikr?

Haraam relationship

Q: My question is not straight forward but I'll try to make it as concise as possible. I am 18 years old and when I joined college 2 years ago I got to know this person. We started to like each other, he is very God-fearing so he asked me to marry him and make it a halaal relationship for us to be in. So I spoke to my mother and she said she would do something about it and here I am 2 years later hoping for her to still do something. As I am Pakistani love marriages are rare in our culture so my mother did not tell anyone that it is a love proposal. She told her parents and my father that we received a proposal from his foster parents. And because this is the the first proposal they have received they are taking it really lightly and I am not able to do anything other than talk to my mother and ask her to do something but I have tried so hard to convince her she isn't doing anything about it. The person I want to marry is very pious and kind alhamdulilah and his family are as well. I don't know what to do I do not want to be in a haram relationship of any sort because I have only just started to realise the meaning of life and he is the reason I am a better person today. How do I convince my mother, what shall I say to her?