Working for a software company

Q: I am working in a software company in India. Our head office is in US and our Indian branch is operated from there and our salaries are generated from there as well. We are mostly working for US Government projects and most of the Indian software industries are growing up because of US economy. My question is, as everyone is aware that America is basically trying to demolish Islam and its followers, so in general way of thinking, working on US projects, means working for them, and then making there life easy. Like everyone knows that US airforce did bombarding on Islamic countries and many Muslims were killed and if I participated in there software requirements via India. So does it mean, I am also involved in that and Allah will ask me questions on that? I did my higher education in computers and every small industry is running up because of the US and other western countries projects. If I leave my job, and join other company then there also same situation will arise. Please suggest!

Does talaaq take place through saying "I do not have a wife"

Q: Please help me. Once one of my friend's said "Do you have a wife? and I said "I don't have a wife, we have gone our separate ways" (meaning I left her but I never had any intention of divorcing my wife. The only reason why I said this is because I didn't want them to know my business but I quickly changed my statement and said "Yes I have a wife" but all I wanted was them not to know my business. Is this divorce?

Straightening the saffs for Janaazah Salaah

Q: During janaza namaaz, if there is a large crowd and space is limited, very often there is no continuation is some of the saffs. In order to rectify this, the only way will be to request the musallees at the back to move out of this area and begin rectifying the saffs from the first saff. In such circumstances, will it be in order to perform the namaaz as is because of the difficulty and the time involved in rectifying this?

Dog killing one's pet cat

Q: We advised a visitor not to open the windows as our young cat may escape. She has visited us many times before and knows this very well. Nevertheless, this visitor opened the window, without our knowledge, and the cat went outside. After desperate searching, we found the cat dead and in a pitiful condition. She had been mauled and severely injured by a dog. The cat must have experienced great pain and suffering whilst being attacked by this dog. It was a sad scene. Whilst this entire outcome is on account of the visitors' negligence, could Allah Ta'ala take me to task? I know that Allah Ta'ala considers cruelty and negligence towards animals very severely, perhaps even more in my instance of an innocent cat. Should I make Taubah to Allah Ta'ala for a terrible crime I may have committed? Perhaps I was lax in not searching for the cat quickly enough or not applying my mind as to where she might be? Or that I had failed to emphasize enough on the visitor regarding the windows? I would not want Allah Ta'ala to change my cat into a fearsome beast that will similarly maul me in Jahannum. Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar. Please guide me in this matter.