Performing Salaah behind a mushrik
Q: Can we offer namaz behind a person who commits shirk or has the aqeedha of shirk?
Q: Can we offer namaz behind a person who commits shirk or has the aqeedha of shirk?
Q: Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Sahib had a servant who for many many days did not go to pass urine because he could see Anwar e Ilahi everywhere. So he did not want to urinate on it (taken from fazail e zirk). Can anyone see Anwar e Ilahi?
Q: Inform me please in the light of proof (ahadith) those parts of the hair on the face that form part of the beard. Here in Mauritius the salafi brothers claim that the hair on both the cheeks and neck also form part of the beard.
Q: People belonging to the jamaat go for 3, 10, 40 days or 4 months. Is this according to the sunnah? Please provide daleel
Q: In Deoband the Ulama say witr prayer in Kaaba is not valid and we need to repeat it as it remains due. Is this correct? Also, can one pray 1 or 3 or 5 rakats in witr?
Q: If the ahle hadith wash their feet with water during wuzu after taking their socks off can we offer salah behind them?
Q: Is there any Saheeh daleel that Rasulullah (Salallahu Alihi Waslam) and the Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) prayed eight rakat taraweeh? Is taraweeh and tahajjud different salat to be prayed in one night?
Q: Where is Allah Ta'ala present by zaat? Some say He is present everywhere some say He is present only in the skies over the arsh. Please let us know with the correct daleel.
Q: Is the small alif symbol and alif elongation both the same? What if you over extend an alif elongation, does it alter the meaning?