Women receiving nafaqah if she spends iddat in her parents home

Q: I wish to inquire regarding the maslah of nafaqah of a divorced woman who is sitting in iddat. Is nafaqah necessary on the husband in the following situations:

1. A woman was given talaaq baain or talaaq raji. She left her husband’s house and went to stay with her mother.

2. A woman was given talaaq bain or talaaq raji. The house which both husband and wife were staying in belongs to the wife. The wife left her home to go and stay by her parents home.

A: In the above two situations, when the wife left the house of her husband or her house and went to her parents house then she will not be entitled to receive nafaqah.

Who is a salafi and wahhaabi?

Q: Can Mufti saheb please explain regarding what a salafi and wahhabi is... How it began... What are the reasons why should we follow a mazhab... How to protect ourselves from falling into it's trap... How should we treat people who follow it...

Can mufti saheb also tell me of any authentic kitaab to read to educate myself regarding salafism and wahhabism