
Q: A couple engaged in a mut'a marriage. They realized after some time that mut'a is not allowed. Is their nikaah valid or should they perform another nikaah?

Standing and drinking Zam Zam


  1. I have witnessed many Muslims standing up when they drink Zam Zam Water. Those who sit and drink are being ridiculed by many people and even Mullahs who justify that we must always stand up while drinking Zam Zam Water. 
  2. I have also witnessed many people standing/walking while drinking water and eating dates in Haram Sharief in Makkah. But, the Sunnah of Rasul Allah Sallallaahu Alaihiwa Sallam is that we must always sit while drinking or eating. Please clarify in detail.

Performing Salaah on the bare ground without a Musalla

Q: It is understood that performing Salaah/Sajdah in a place with najaasat is impermissible, with or without Prayer mat. But, I have witnessed many Muslims offering Salaah on the floor at offices, at railway stations, inside the aircraft, in trains, on the roads, on the deck of a ship/boat, etc. These places are frequented by many people returning from the toilets with their footwear on, which has a lot of najaasat. Will Salaah not be invalid for those who pray at these places with najaasat? I have had many debates with these people who justify that their Salaah is valid in these places.


Q: My father read istikarah for a marriage proposal for me and this is what he dreamt - He was on a bus and there was two small snakes. The
people on the bus shouted to get rid of it. My father wrapped it around his hand and flung it. The one snake went away but the other got stuck on the window. Is it possible to have the dream interpreted? Also could the snakes represent his mother and his sister? People have said
that they not very nice.

Ulema of Deoband

Q: I have heard that the ulema of makkah and medina once issued a fatwa of kufr against ulema of deoband when ahmad raza khan showed them the views of deobandi ulema in a distorted way and then on finding the truth the arab ulema revoked it, could you explain the details?

Wearing niqaab in public

Q: In France it is forbidden in law for woman to wear niqab in public, and it is forbidden for children to wear hijab in schools. Does the ban on these sha'air of Islam make it wajib for the Muslims of France to do hijra, i.e. emigrate to other countries?