Life Insurance
Q: I wanted to ask if life insurance is haram and why?
Q: I wanted to ask if life insurance is haram and why?
Q: My age is 45 now. I became baaligh at the age of thirteen. Without any reason I was not fasting in Ramadhaan, until my age of 22. But after that my life changed and I began to lead a pious life. As I'm a lady I miss rozas due to periods every ramadhan. Also I left full rozas in 2 Ramadhans due to pregnancy. I'm doing qaza of my rozas since the age of 22. But it has become a huge burden upon me as I have to make qaza of hundreds of rozas and also with the mudd that should be given to poor on each roza. Mudd also doubles each year as I could not make qaza of these hundreds of rozas in one year. I am a follower of the shafiee madhhab so I request pious solution for this big problem.
Q: I am purchasing a cellphone and have been offered the following option for extending the warranty:
Pay $10 a month and if you lose or break your phone, you can get a new one. Plus, every six months, you can trade in your old phone, pay the difference and get a new one.
Q: Is it permissible for a lady to go to a male gynaecologist? (when females are available) We have heard some people say that some mufti has said it is better to go to a male which we find inappropriate.
Q: When we pray in the masjid, normally on carpet or jay-a- namaz there is a picture of haram shareef or masjid-e-nabvi, so once jammat is finished all the people walk on it, so will it be gunnah because its like be hurmati of these holy places?
Q: I would like to know please, if a women gets discharge:
Q: Is it allowed to go to a buzurg or a highly religious person who does a lot of ibadah and ask him to pray to Allah about my problem. And can we supplicate through an intermediary i.e through tawasul of a righteous one, living or dead e.g through Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani. And I also want to know is it permissible for men and women to visit the shrines of say Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani and other without committing any shirk and praying to Allah directly there?
Q: I got married 4 months ago and mistakenly I used the word nifaz instead of janaba while doing bath after monthly periods and was reading namaz and also quran daily. Do I have to give kaffara or I did a big mistake and your advice is appreciated. Please help I am in much dilemma.
Q: My parents and I are going for Umrah on the 23 February insha allah. Please can you shed some light on Umrah for me as this is going to be our first trip out of South Africa. I have been reading books on Umrah.