Abandoning the ways of the Kuffaar

Q: My question is, how should we treat the act of sinning, specifically homosexuality amongst the non-believers. How are the non-believers suppose to be treated in an Islamic country, and what do we do if they are committing Zina and Homosexuality in a Muslim and Non-Muslim country? I believe Allah wants us to be merciful Alhumdulilah, but how are we suppose to perceive these acts done by non-believers? Do non-believers get the same punishment as a Muslim would if they practise Zina and Homosexuality in a Muslim country, and what if they do this in a non Muslim country like America? how should we go by this, since I live in a non-Muslim country, and I am a convert Alhumdulillah.

Doing an accounting job

Q: Is it permissible in Islam to have an accounting job? Or a financial analyst? Every company nowadays deals with interest. So avoiding it
completely will be very difficult. Please advice in which situations it will be permissible and impermissible? 


Q: Does Istihalah make najas things pure? Especially, when fat from pig is altered chemically and used in beauty creams?

Eating more than one time a day

Q: It is sunnah to eat one meal a day. But the method of meal is (any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten) and so in my breakfast I only eat a bowl of cereal or 2 toast with milk so is it considered a meal because it is less than lunch or dinner and it's not a reasonably large amount?


Q: I saw a house in my dream, the house was new and I was alone in it. Roaming around or playing I guess. There was a garden outside and it was raining pleasantly outside the house. I was protecting a wooden door from rain water, I don't know whose house it was but it was big and beautiful well furnished. I saw a Quran folded in red golden cloth on the table and I was holding house key in my hand.


Q: I saw a dream, can you please interpret it. The dream is as follows:-

My younger brother came to me running and said mummy is going somewhere. So I went to mummy's room and asked her where are you going. She was wearing her hijab (black abhaya) and was ready to go, she said I am taking your sister to someone to make dua for her. I said what happened to her, where is she? My mummy replied she is in the guest room. I went there and I saw her sitting alone on a sofa, I approached her and recited LA-ILAHA-ILLALAH (FIRST PART OF KALIMA) SHE WAS SHOCKED AND JUMPED ON THE OTHER PORTION OF SOFA. I recited the kalima again and she was eased and then she hugged me and started crying. I eased her and she was crying.

Doubts regarding ghusal

Q: I need to ask a question. I am at a young age. I want to learn so much about my deen and get close to Allah but I don't know what's  happened. I've been watching a lot of porn and every time I watch it I have to take ghusl and in the ghusl Khana I get a lot of wasswas while making fard ghusl that's why I do all these odd ways to make all the hairs wet but when I finish my ghusl I get extreme thoughts like your going to go hell because your ejaculated by watching porn and this ghusl is not correct that you have made and all that fard ghusl is all I think about every single day. Thats all I think about 24/7. I need help.