Bathing in the state of haidh

Q: The women in our area have this notion that during haidh nifaas they are not allowed to do ghusl with water, moreover they are not allowed to bath during these periods. They say that if they do so they will become ill. Also they do not drink cold water. I understand that bathing and doing ghusl will not not get rid of impurity during these periods but is it true that they are not allowed to use water to clean private parts and/or bath. Please expand on  this topic maybe highlighting the shariah and hikmat perspectives on this issue. Jazakallah

Used water

Q: When one washes one's hands in a wash basin/sink, or makes wudhu in a wash basin/sink, there is almost always some splash back from the sink. Is this splash back considered najas (impure)?


Q: I want to know interpretation of a dream. My friend saw me in a dream and she saw that I had make nikaah and I was 2 months pregnant.

Dreaming of one's deceased uncle

Q: I am seeing my paternal uncle in my dream who is dead now. My uncle and his son who is alive were running behind me and asking me to come along with them and I am running from them. In another dream I am saw my uncle's family members 3-4 times. Can you please interpret this dream I am not getting sleep due to this.

Wet dream

Q: The underwear I had on I cant like really see any round patch on it so should I just consider my body paak and consider ghusl to not be fard?