Saving up to buy a house

Q: Me and my husband are saving money to buy a house. We live in a rented house at the moment in Australia. Sometimes I am confused whether we should save money to buy house, vehicle, etc or donate the money saved to the needy people and live our life in the rented property. Can money be saved to buy a house or we need to give it to the needy, I am confused. Jazakallah for the reply. Thanks.


Q: Could you assist me in defining the amount inherited if , I pass away and I leave 2 daughters, a wife and both parents with only R10000 left in my estate after all debts are paid out. I understand the percentage slipt but to make life easy for those who are reading and trying to understand my will, I would like for them to know by contrast what the percentage split would be in Rands.

Dismissing an employee

Q: I would like to know how should one conduct himself in such a situation. A man was offered  a job. Before he started work he informed the employer that he is studying and will need to write exams. We agreed on giving him off for the days he will be writing. He's cousin was getting married in another town he ask he employer for the weekend off but was told he cant get the weekend off. Or he must come to work
on Friday and Saturday till 11:00.  Friday morning he sent a message that the lift was going and he no other lift. For the 1st month or so he was coming to  work approx 30 to 45 min late. He's friend passed away he took early leave to go to the hospital and the next day because he had to go to another town. It is peak season at the moment and we were receiving a delivery. He never inform the employer that he's going for janaaza out of town the next day he never call to say he not around and knowing that theres lots of orders for him to despatch. The employer calls to find out where he is he says he is 4 hours away. Few days ago he had to go early because he's wife was sick. Other workers feel we are favouring him because we are of the same nationality. Workers who are with us longer have never taken so many days. Please advise me as what I should do?

Photographs for firearm licence

Q: A condition for applying for a firearm licence in South Africa is that one must submit 2 photographs wherein one may not be using any headgear ie. Hat, scarf, etc. My question is, due to this being a pre-condition for the firearm application, will it be permissible at all for a Muslim female to apply for a licence to own a firearm?

Dreaming of thieves

Q: My mother saw a dream some thieves entered in our house and took keys and mobile from us. We are asking for help meanwhile my elder sister entered the home, the thieves hid themselves and when my brother in law came into the home, the thieves exited from the home without harming us.

Dreaming of hunting a rabit

Q: I saw a dream that we are hunting and I saw a rabbit. After we all sat and eat the meat of the rabbit. My brother is also sitting there with us. I heard some dogs barking but I could not see the dogs. Suddenly a dog attacked us I griped the neck of this dog and push the head of the dog on the earth. In this dream I also saw two fishes in the plate that is cocked.