Cheating, deceiving and bribery

Q: In India Muslims are being deprived in all aspects. So there are fatwas that cheating is allowed . In the state Assam the Muslims have taken the reorganisation of many schools by cheating the Government. Actually there are no students in these schools but in records they show 50, 60 students and the officers are forwarding it by taking bribes and many Moulana have joined in this act giving fatwa that we are being deprived and for owning our right we have no other way beside this. Is it permissible?

Insha Allah

Q: In surah Kahf vesre 23 it is mentioned that never say surely I will do and in next verse Allah subhanhutala said illa aiyyasha Allah. So what is the exact pronounciation Insha Allah or aiyyasha Allah?

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: What is kuffarah for an unfulfilled Qur'an oath? I took an oath of not missing salaah with a sheikh online who gave me zikr for weak memory and doing good in medical school. I did the zikr for a while and then stopped it. I totally forgot about the oath. I do pray but not regularly? So now I am in last year of my medical school. I have a lot of prayers to make up. Can you please guide me about the kuffarah? Do I have to make up all the prayers and is there a kuffarrah along with it? 

Irregular bleeding

Q: One of my friends want to ask about a problem related to her salaah. Her usual periods have always been 7 days max. But now she is using contraceptive pills and due to pills the periods prolonged to 10 days or more (i.e after 7 days not proper bleeding or brown discharge but yellowish or little greenish without becoming clear). She starts salah after 10 days as she had read that 10 days are the max limit. Should she start salaah after 7 days or 10 days as its clearly due to the medication not natural because if she leaves the pill it goes back to 7 days.