Mansur al-Hallaj
Q: I just wanted to know what our Ulama say about the person Mansur al-Hallaj?
Q: I just wanted to know what our Ulama say about the person Mansur al-Hallaj?
Q: I just wanted to know if this hadeeth is authentic. Melon - Kharbuza / Tarbooz - The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce offspring that is good in countenance".
Q: Allah Says in The Qur'an that all creatures of the sea are lawful. But, there is a general belief among Indian Muslims that we Muslims cannot eat sharks, crabs, eels, barracuda, octopus, squid and lobsters etc. among sea creatures. Please clarify whether we can eat all creatures of the sea. Are there any exceptions?
Q: Islam believes that all children are born pure and in Islam and if they die before they attain puberty, they go to Jannah, even if they are born of not yet Muslim parents. This being so, are these children eligible to receive our Zakaah, Sadaqa ul Fitrah and Zakaah ul Fitrah money?
Q: Is it OK to pray dhur and Asar prayers while sitting in the car because I work at that time and I have short time by 4:15 to end my work and currently maghrib starts at 4:30p.m. Please Advise.
Q: I have been married since 2008. During my first year of marriage, my husband hit me, swore me, smashed the wind-screen of my car and used drugs. I went back home for nine months trying to get my talaaqs from the jamiatul-ulema. They said we should reconcile. We did reconcile and I fell pregnant. My husband started using drugs and got hectic, straight after I gave birth, he went to rehab. When he came out, we went for counselling and soon afterwards, I suspected he was using, but he said it was only weed. I fell pregnant again but had a miscarriage. I refused to go back unless he signs a conditional talaaq valid for six months. In that six months he broke two of the conditions. We then went for marital counselling. He still abuses me mentally and verbally. He doesn't physically abuse me as bad as before. He
just pushes and pulls here and there. I got a faskh granted on this basis from an Imaam who is an Islamic minister at a certain center and began sitting my iddat. Now he says that he has found out from Ulama' that my faskh is not valid. Is my fasgh valid and who can issue a fasgh? I do not want to go back.
Q: Can you please explain the following hadith in detail:
أخرج مسلم وأحمد والترمذي وصححه عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : " العين حق ولو كان شيء سابق القدر لسبقته العين ، وإذا استغسلتم فاغسلوا "
صححه الألباني في السلسلة الصحيحة.