Participating in mixed martial arts competitions

Q: I have been practising mixed martial arts for self defence reasons, but I wonder if it's a good idea to be entered into a mixed Martial arts competition, such as the UFC and to compete and to prove Muslims are not people who can be just pushed over. We have men who are capable of physically defending ourselves. But this is something small to why I want to enter into Mixed martial arts, I want to spread Dawah, and earn fame and recognition Insha Allah to better the cause of the Ummah and the needy and the orphans and to become a spokesperson for my brothers and sisters in the realm of mixed martial arts.

Spitting in the direction of the qiblah

Q: What does the following hadith mean and is the hadith sahih?

عن حذيفة أظنه عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال « من تفل تجاه القبلة جاء يوم القيامة تفله بين عينيه ومن أكل من هذه البقلة الخبيثة فلا يقربن مسجدنا ». ثلاثا. (أبو داود #3826)

Non-Muslim changing his name

Q: My friend has recently reverted to Islam and the question has been asked if he has to change his name or he can keep his name?

Also, he is soon to be married, Insha Allah, to a Muslim girl... if it is permissible to keep his name, does it impact the performance of the nikkah in any way?... Can the nikkah continue as normal with just his non-Arabic name?

Zakaat on Kruger coins

Q: Please advise me on whether zakat is payable on the selling price of a kruger coin or on the market value of an ounce of gold. The selling value of a kruger coin is more than the value of an ounce of gold although the kruger coin weighs an ounce.


Q:  I saw a dream where I was kissing a boy. What is the ta'beer of such a dream?

Marital problems

Q: I am married to my first cousin. He is a very tough person to deal with. He drinks, dopes, and does all kind of drugs. He hits me, abuse me and my parents. I tried to get rid of him but my parents are totally against divorce. But now I have a daughter and I think about her future and stay quiet. In addition to all this my phupho (saas) is also a very cruel woman. I can't stand my in-laws at all. They pump my husband against me. I want my husband to leave his parents house and shift in some other city. Please give me a wazifa so that I can make my husband leave this house and city. Please help me.