Names for a Muslim male
Q: I would like to change my name. My date of birth is the [1st May 2000] and I would like to know suitable names for me?
Q: I would like to change my name. My date of birth is the [1st May 2000] and I would like to know suitable names for me?
Q: Is it permissible to evade paying money to the tax authorities by not disclosing all transactions, etc.?
Q: Is it better to wear one's watch on the left hand or on the right hand?
Q: Please tell me can a woman give Sadqah and khairaat without the permission of her husband from his income?
Hadith: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "If the wife gives of her husband's property (something in charity) without his permission, he will get half the reward." Book 69, Sahih al-Bukhari 5360
Q: A man left behind his wife, 3 daughters, 1 son after his death. In his estate there is plot of land of 97x78=7566sqft area. In which from one side a house is present on about 61x40=2440 sqft area. According to shariah the division of land will be wife=945.75sqft, each daughter=1324.05sqft, and son 1324.05x2=2648.10sqft.
But before the distribution of estate 3rd daughter died leaving behind her husband, 2 daughters, mother, 2 sister, 1 brother. According to shariah (I am not sure) the estate of 3rd daughter will be divided in 13 equal parts, in which 2 parts will go to mother and rest 9 parts will be in 2 daughter and husband portion. According to this 203.7 sqft from 3rd daughter’s estate will become part of mother’s portion i.e. mother’s portion will be 945.75+203.70 sqft and portion of husband and daughters of 3rd daughter(who died) of the deceased will be 1324.05-203.7=1120.35 sqft.
Q1: When ever distribution is done is it mandatory to distinctly clarify the part of each share holder?
Q2: If yes for Q1 then for 3rd daughter what will done? Her husband’s and daughter’s portion will be clarified i.e. 1120.35 sqft and mother’s part of 203.70 sq ft OR 3rd daughter’s portion of 1324.05 sqft.
Q3: Mother wants to distribute her portion of 945.75 and 203.7 among her children who are alive. Then she has decided to give 50% of her share to her son and 25% each to her daughters. Is it necessary for her clarifying each part before giving her share to any of her son or daughter?
Q4: whether area’s of share holders can be shown according to following:
Daughter 1= 1324.05+287.3625=1611.41 sqft
Daughter 2=1324.05+287.3625=1611.41 sqft
Daughter3=1324.05+203.7=1120.35 sqft
Son= 2646.1+574.72=3222.82 sqft
Q: Please can you clarify for me. There is a masjid/classrooms/ladies namaaz area in one building. The masjid-mens namaaz area is on the first floor. The wuzu khanaa, classrooms and ladies namaaz area downstairs. The classrooms are used for namaaz when there is an overflow of males. The ladies area has a separate entrance door to that for the men and classrooms.
In some peoples mind, the ladies area does not form part of the masjid. They call it rooms. So they say, the ladies are not going to the masjid. Is this thinking correct? Can the ladies go to the masjid/rooms to make namaaz? Can the ladies read namaaz behind an Imam in Jamaat? Can the ladies go to the masjid/rooms to read namaaz but not in Jamaat? Can the ladies go to the masjid/rooms to read Taraweeh salaat in Jamaat? Can the ladies go to the masjid/rooms to listen to lectures? Can the ladies go to the masjid/rooms for a nikah? Can the Bride go to the masjid for her nikah but being in the ladies section?
Are Ladies permitted to go to the masjid for any reason whatsoever?
Can the ladies go for Eid Namaaz to an Eid Ghah?
Please advise.
Q: What does the hanafi mazhab say about beggars in the street who make begging their profession?
Q: Are men allowed to have embroidery on their clothes? Even little bit embroidery around the neck of the kurta/shirts. I understand heavy and lot of embroidery is a women thing and must be avoided but nowadays we find kurtas/and shirts with little bit work around neck, should it be worn by men or should the garments of the men be plain?
Secondly, it is in a Hadith not to copy non-Muslims. Nowadays Muslim men wear pants and shirts which I think is a western originated dress. You are treated as a weird person if you don't wear, so what should be the ruling about it?
Thirdly, I read somewhere that men should also not wear tight clothes, is it true? Then pants are fitted garments?
Fourthly I also read that men should also not dress up in a way that attracts the opposite sex.
Please guide me how much of the above information is correct or not. And what should be the ruling about the other questions I asked?
Q: Durood, Salaat & Salaam, do all these terms mean the same thing or do they all have different meanings?