Investing in the R5 Mandela coin
Q: Is it permissible to invest in the 5 Rand Mandela coins (proof and mint state)?
Q: Is it permissible to invest in the 5 Rand Mandela coins (proof and mint state)?
Q: When a lady goes in ihraam and her periods begin, if her return flight is booked before her periods end, is there any leeway for her and what should she do in this situation? Is it necessary for her to delay her flight or is there any other alternative as well for her to come out of ihraam?
Q: I have a question regarding the appearance of the dajjal and shortage of food. In one report it says before his arrival, there will be shortage of food and drinks for 3 years (musnad ahmed).
However, in another hadith it says under the Mahdi, there shall be abundance of food to such an extent a man will say "mahdi, give me" and he shall reply "take it".
Now my confusion is that the dajjal is to emerge during the mahdi's time, so how to reconcile the two situations?
Q: In Surah Yunus ayat 87 when Musa (Alayhis Salaam) was told to turn the houses into a qiblah, which direction did they turn? What was the qiblah of the jews during the time of Musa (Alayhis Salaam)?
Q: Is it a sunnah to have salt before and after eating? And is it a sunnah to have sweet things before and after eating? If it is sunnah, what type of sunnah is it?
Q: My sister is in Russia. She gets halaal chickens at the masjid. She now found out that the chickens are slaughtered by a non muslim, and a muslim person says the tasmiya. What is the halaal status of these chickens?
Q: I would like to know the permisibility of using the electric cigarette?
Q: If a muslim who peforms salaah only in ramadan and in the remaining months performs sometimes jumah salaah slaughters a goat or a halal animal, can I eat of it?
Q: Is it true that in the Hadith Allah Ta'ala curses women who ride horses? If yes, how authentic is the Hadith and what is the ruling of this Hadith according to the Fuqaha? What about ladies driving? Does this Hadith apply to them also here? (i.e. driving)