Making Jamaat with one's wife at home
Q: If a person does not go to a Musjid, and performs Salaah at home with his wife behind him, would he be absolved of the Wajib of Jamaat Salaah?
Q: If a person does not go to a Musjid, and performs Salaah at home with his wife behind him, would he be absolved of the Wajib of Jamaat Salaah?
Q: Do I have to repeat my Asr Salah if I read it together with my Zohar Salah while on journey?
Q: If one has a habit of forgetting multiple things in a Salah such as number of rakat, number of sajda, first tushud and so forth, how that person would perform his salah?
Q: Is following the sequence is also a Fard in performing Wudu?
Q: If one has to recite only one Ayah in a rakat of a Salah how long it should be?
Q: What is the Shariah ruling regarding the earliest time that Esha commences for the Hanafi Mazhab , and do the seasons ( i.e. long days and short days ) have any significance or implications.
Q: We Live in a country Romania where the maghrib salaah is at 9:15pm. According to the perpetual salaah time table the time for esha comes in at midnight. This is inconvenient, especially so for salaah in jamaah at the local musallah. Under these circumstances, will it be permissible for us to perform esha salaat with jamaah before the time of esha comes in? This will be at around 10:30pm.
Q: In a nearby musjid, there are accommodations for women to pray taraaweeh behind the men. The women prayer area is such that there are different rooms. As a result, the women do not stand shoulder to shoulder and there are random gaps on each side of the saaf for an "aisle". I even saw one lady praying in a room all by herself. What is the ruling for this?
Q: There is a car finance scheme which is advertised as being Islamic. Among the conditions of the finance is that the client will have to insure the car with Takaaful, and he will be charged a penalty for late payments. Is this allowed in Shari’ah?
Q: As far as I know zakaat cannot be given to ones parents children and grand parents, my question is if my grandmother passed away and my grandfather remarried and he passed away as well, can I then give my step grandmother zakkah?