Missing Salaah on a journey due to requiring ghusal
Q: A traveler who does not have ghusal can he miss his salaah?
Q: A traveler who does not have ghusal can he miss his salaah?
Q: If someone misses for example Fajr and he does not make it up until 11 salaats are passed by i.e. he makes it up two days later after Dhuhr.
How much salaats this person has to make up (and is the order waived or not ?) according to the view of Imaam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf? And what according to Abu Hanifa. And what is the fatwa upon ?
I read that according to Abu Hanifa if one does misses for example Fajr but does not makes it up and prays Dhuhr, then the Dhuhr becomes Mawquf (Muwaqqat) Fasad and if he continues praying upto the next days Dhuhr and thereafter makes qada of Fajr then all the salaahs will become Sahih. And if he makes it up before next days Dhuhr all the salaats will become Fasad.
And according to Imaam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf, only the salaats after the 6th one will become Sahih. The ones before will according to Imaam Muhammad be complete Fasad, and according to Abu Yusuf they will become nafila. It's said in a narration Abu Yusuf is with Imaam Muhammad. Is this all correct ?
The Fasad according to Abu Hanifa if one makes it up before next days Dhuhr (as in the example in the initial post) is this complete Fasad or does it turn into nafila?
Q: A musafir if he never read his namaaz on his journey, he still reads qasr at home. If he does not read it qasr but full, is his salaah valid?
Q: If I move my lips and tongue in my own individual namaaz but not to such an extent that I can hear myself had there to be pin-drop silence, is my salaah valid?
Q: My mum passed away a month ago and someone told me that we need to pay for any Salaah that she might have missed. She was very regular with her Salaah, however, in the last few weeks before she passed away she became very ill and wasn’t able to perform her Salaah. I’ve been told that we need to pay R10.00 for every Salaah missed. Please would you advise whether this is correct and also how should this be paid, i.e. is it Lillah, Sadaka, etc. and which organization would be the best to pay it to or can we give it to someone who is poor.
Q: A person who travels over 77km and does not have the intention at the start of the journey or it was not on his mind, etc. Is he still a musafir?
Q: Exactly when is it makruh to pray when having a urge to urinate? Is this only when one is realy about to urinate such that he is realy pressing himself to hold ? Sometimes I take wudhu and after a while I get a feeling of having little pressure, but I can feel myself freely without pressing to hold myself.
Can you tell me from which point the urge/pressure does become makruh?
Q: In a country where esha and fajr time does not exist in certain months like England UK, can a Mazoor person who has made wudhu for maghrib salaah pray esha and fajr with the wudhu which was made for maghrib salaah?
Q: Mazoor person who has to do wudhu for each salaah, does he have to do wudhu for maghrib and esha salaah separately, when combining maghrib and esha salaah in Muzdalifah or making wudhu once for maghrib will suffice for both prayers maghrib and esha?
Q: People who accompany the funeral and wait for the deceased to be buried in the grave yard what should they recite, is there any specific dua mentioned in hadeeth?