Firearms & Weapons

Q: Those that promote firearms and guns say that to carry a gun is Sunnat but it is more correct to say that to carry any weapon is Sunnat? Can it also be said that shooting in target practice is an act of reward? Can it also be said that carrying a firearm and making salaat is more rewarding than without a firearm?

Going against one's Promises

Q:  If a person says if Allah cures me I will not miss my salah and I will not listen to music etc.After this person was cured he missed his Salaah and he listened to music. Does he have to pay a different kaffaarah for every oath and can he pay the kaffaarah in cash?

هل الخضر - صاحب و صديق موسى (عليه السلام) - نبي من الأنبياء أو واحد من الأوليا؟

َس:  هل الخضر - صاحب و صديق موسى (عليه السلام) - نبي من الأنبياء أو واحد من الأولياء فقط؟؟ هل في ذلك المسألة خلاف بين العلماء؟ هل الصحيح أنه حي الآن و يكون حياً إلى يوم القيامة؟ هل هناك أحاديث ثابتة في نفس الموضوع؟

Dental treatment while Fasting

Q: I am a dentist. A fasting patient requires urgent treatment e.g. extraction or draining abscess.

Will this be permissible while fasting? Bear in mind that an injection is required, blood flows from the extraction site, and water may be put into the patient's mouth, will the fast need to be repeated?

Making up an Islamic Will

Q: My father in law is very sick, and he wants to retire from work, he wants to make up his will now because he will need major surgery soon, he wants to give my mother in law 50% and my husband 50% of his provident fund and of his house. He had three sons, two of his elder sons passed away, and my husband is the only surviving child. Both deceased sons have a 1 daughter each, they both married non-Muslim girls and when they passed away their wives went back to their religion and also changed the children. My in laws have no access to the children, and only visit them when their mothers allow them too. My question is,  do these children also get a share in my father in laws will as their fathers were also heirs. Please advise what is the sharia compliant share for all these heirs, as we do not want him to be answerable for making an incorrect Islamic will.

الماء المستعمل

س: الماء الذي قد تم استعماله للوضوء أو الغسل -هل يجوز استعماله مرة ثانية للوضوء أو الغسل، إن كان ذلك الماء نظيفاً بعد النظر؟ و إن كان الجواب في ذلك أنه لا يجوز، كيف الحكم في الحالة التالية: لو اختلط الماء الذي قد تم استعماله للوضوء أو الغسل - بالماء غير المستعمل ( و لكن اختلط بالقليل، يعني الماء المستعمل اختلط قليلاً بالماء غير المستعمل) - ذلك الماء المختلط - هل يجوز الوضوء و الغسل به؟ و إن وقع الوضوء أو الغسل بذلك الماء المختلط - هل هما صحيحان (الوضوء و الغسل)؟ مع علم أن قدر الماء المستعمل قليل جداً في الماء المختلط، و هو نظيف بعد النظر؟