Marrying one's Mothers Cousin

Q: Is marring one's mothers cousin allowed in Islam? I am a IT Employee working in an MNC. I have a question and seeking your guidance under the light of the Hadith. There is a girl in my family and she is my mothers cousin sister. I stay in a different city as I have job there. I some times chat with her over the internet. Just a very normal chat like "How are you & every one at home?" "What's going on? This and that." Our family know that we chat. Once I asked her about her marriage proposals. She said that many people come to see but no one is selecting her. Every one is taking out some reason or the other for rejection. I went to an IT conference. There was a topic "Why are Girls not getting married?” The reasons and the worries of the parents were explained. We were encouraged to move Forward and do some thing for the sake of Allah. Allah will reward you for what you do. I decided to marry her and wanted to tell my parents, but before that I wanted to ask the girl. She took some time and she also agreed. So I told to my parents and my parents were ok with it. She also told the same to her parents. This has became a very big issue now because of which there are disputes in my family. I want to know if what I did was correct or wrong and what should I do now?