Zakaat on Gold and Silver
Q: How will zakaat be paid on gold and silver? Similarly will one take the workmanship in consideration when calculating one's zakaat on gold and silver jewellery?
Q: How will zakaat be paid on gold and silver? Similarly will one take the workmanship in consideration when calculating one's zakaat on gold and silver jewellery?
Q: What is the nisaab amount of gold and silver?
Q: What is the mas’alah regarding a person whose wealth decreased before the zakaat date?
E.g. Bakr possessed R1 000 000 throughout the year. Just before the end of his zakaatable year i.e. 1st of Ramadhaan, he suffered a loss of R900 000 in his business. Will Bakr now have to pay zakaat on R1 000 000 or R100 000?
Q: What is the mas’alah regarding a person who received some wealth prior to the completion of the zakaatable year?
E.g. Zaid’s zakaatable year ends on the 1st of Ramadhaan. A few days before the 1st of Ramadhaan, he received a lump sum of R1 000 000 in inheritance. Will Zaid have to pay zakaat on the R1 000 000 as well?
Q: When will zakaat be obligatory and how should one work out one's zakaat date?
Q: Is zakaat compulsory upon platinum, gems, rubies, diamonds, sapphires, etc?
Q: Upon which wealth does a person have to pay zakaat?
Q: Is zakaat compulsory on a person who possesses the nisaab amount but also has unsettled debts?
Q: Upon whom is zakaat compulsory?
Q: A person intends travelling during the course of the day and at the time of subah saadiq (when the fast commences) he is still in his hometown. Is it permissible for him not to fast for that day?