Zakaat on the Payout Received from an Insurance Company for the Previous Years
Q: Is zakaat compulsory on the payout received from an insurance company for the previous years?
Q: Is zakaat compulsory on the payout received from an insurance company for the previous years?
Q: A person purchased an item for resale purposes but thereafter cancelled his intention. After some time, he decided to once again sell the item. Will zakaat be fardh on the item?
Q: Is zakaat waajib upon life insurance which matures after the death of the policy holder?
Q: If I leave my hometown Benoni to sandton (my workplace) which is 40 km away with the intention of going to klerksdorp which is 140km distance from my home town. Should I make Qasr at my workplace?
Q: Is the wearing of niqaab fardh?
Q: I have seen many girls in hijaab putting their pictures on their facebook accounts. Will they be sinful?
Q: Is it permissible for women to recite Qur'an whilst wearing a garment with short-sleeves?
Q: My child attends an Islamic school. We received a note saying that if school fees are not paid by a certain date then an additional amount will be charged daily and the account will be handed over. Is this money that they will charge daily after the cut-off date permissible?
Q: What du'aa can one recite in these trying times when the Middle-East and Arab world are experiencing so much of problems?
Q: A certain brother wishes to know if his nikah performed in the following manner is valid. In the presence of two jamaat brothers and his wife they first reverted his wife to Islam by making her recite the kalimah tayyiba. Thereafter he told her that I have accepted you as my wife and she also accepted him. There was no formal discussion of mahr. Thereafter they had performed their marriage at the home affairs according to the Christian Law for purposes of citizenship etc. His wife now doubts as to whether they had been living in sin all the time. Please assist.