Giving zakaat to a person in debt

Q: A maid (widow) is in dire need to buy a small room. She sells her only possession (gold worth one lakh rupees) for this purpose and hands over this amount to the middleman. The middleman is responsible for giving this one lakh to the actual owner of the room who is in another city. The owner will arrive after a month to receive payment. Is this lady eligible for zakaat after handing over the money to the middleman or will she be eligible when the money will be transferred to the actual owner after one month?

Selling a toy which contains music

Q: We have recently received stock of an Islamic toy which we were unaware had music... The toy has many beneficial learning pages such as duas, surahs, Arabic alphabets, etc. but there is a button which plays nasheeds with musical instruments in the background.

Will it be permissible to sell such a toy? If the toy is sold with a note on how to remove the music and if the customer purchases it and chooses not to remove the music wire, will the seller be sinful?

Taunting a Muslim

Q: What is the significance and the ruling if the sunnah about "loving fellow believers and not taunting them" according to some Ahaadith like this:

Sayyiduna Mu’adh (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates that Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: ‘Whoever taunts a brother (Muslim) with a sin (which the Muslim has committed), will not die until he (the taunter) commits the same sin.’

The first Hadith is recorded by Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) in his Sunan and is classified as sound (hasan). (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2505 & Mukhtasarul Maqasidil Hasanah, Hadith: 1057. Also see: Targhib, vol.3 pg.310, Sharhul Ihya, vol.7 pg.504 & Al-Mudawi, Hadith: 3462)