Treating sihr


1. It has been confirmed from three authentic sources that my husband has sihr. As part of his treatment I must read Surah Baqarah daily for 40 days. Sometimes I play it on my laptop on days that I can't read. Is it jaiz (acceptable) to play in the house, office when no one is there on the same floor for protection? I heard that recitation of Surah Baqarah protects any home for 3 days from bad influences.

2. My husband naturally is resistant to treatment despite being incredibly religious himself. All the signs are there between us, his business, consistent thefts by employees and him not taking action. Is there anything else I can do apart from Surah Baqarah and Ruqyah Shariah?

3. My husbands shaikh insists that there is no such thing as sihr (though it was done on the Prophet) and doesn't advise seeking treatment because he believes no human being has such power over another, its impossible. He never advocates treatment. Isnt it haraam to consistently prevent someone from seeking treatment, also to openly disregard that sihr doesnt exist in todays day and age?

4. What is the reality regarding sihr and its effects, and what is correct treatment for sihr?

Renewing one's Imaan due to having a wrong belief

Q: A man made nikaah with a lady. After a few years of marriage, the lady said to the husband that from the age of nine she believed that Allah will accept the worship of the Hindus as they claim to worship God through their idols, though she did not express her belief in words. At the time of their nikaah, she maintained this belief. A few days ago she realised that such a belief is incorrect and has since repented to Allah. What is the status of their nikaah?

Earning from an item one purchased with haraam money

Q: I used to make money by promoting un-Islamic cartoons. I used that money to buy a laptop. From that laptop I learned and make applications/ programs. Now I get a lot of money from the apps I made. My income now is halaal insha-Allah, but the problem is, my laptop was bought with haraam money.

What is the status of my income now? What about the knowledge I got when using the laptop? Is the money I generated, and the apps I made, all haraam? How do I repent and cleanse my profit/income?

Fear of not getting married due to one's family background

Q: My mother comes from a strict Barelwi family. They are firm on many aspects of bid'at in addition to meelad, such as niyaaz, 40 day functions, kheer puuri niyaaz, urs, qabar reverence, and the like. In fact, they are the organizers and sponsors of these baatil events.

My mother said herself that in view of this behavior of her family, finding a respectable wife will be difficult for me. She said that people consider all this in marriage. Is this true? I told my mother that she has never indulged in this bid'at since marrying my father 20 years ago. Furthermore, I too am not a bid'ati. In fact, people know that I have strong aversion for such things and am even against the Seerat Jalsahs of the so-called senior Deobandi Ulama in South Africa.

Will this behavior of my mother's family affect my marriage prospects? Do people consider this in marriage affairs? Surely they will investigate myself and parents before just looking at the extended family? Please advise my mother and myself.

Large gap between saffs in jamaat salaah

Q: For the saffs of the men, we understand that there should be continuity, and a gap larger than 2 saffs between saffs will cause the link to be broken, thus the salaah of those behind the gap will not be valid. (In the situation where there isn't any river, etc. inbetween).

What is the ruling regarding saff continuity for ladies? If a masjid has a room at the back, but between the last saff of the men and the women's room is a large gap, would the ladies salaah be permissible behind the imam? (assuming all other conditions are fulfilled such as the imam making niyyat for leading the ladies).