Woman working due to fear of divorce

Q: I know a married woman but she is not on good terms with her husband. She has been given one divorce by him but it was taken back. Now she is living with him again. Her husband earns above 60 thousand rupees per month and their monthly expenses are about 50 to 60 thousand rupees and they still save some money. The wife is not working or earning any money. But due to insecurities about her life with her husband, who does not treat her well, she wants to work and start earning for which she wants to join a government institute which is run on a zakat fund. Their admission criteria is that the applicant should be mustahiq-e-zakat.

My question is that, on the basis of the fact that she fears her future with her husband, she wants to earn money to be able to live life of her own if she gets divorced, does she fall in the catagory of mustahiq-e-zakat and can she take admission in that institute which is run through a zakat fund?

Giving money to women beggars


1. Is it ok to give sadaqah to the beggars that stand outside the masjid and on street corners?

2. According to my understanding, in Islam, women are not required to work to provide for themselves even if they are young and fit enough to work. So will it be permissible to give sadaqah to women beggars with this intention or will I be encouraging them to beg?

Lying to one's mother

Q: I told a lie to my mom that I passed my paper because she takes too much tension. Just to avoid her depression I told her that I passed and now she is offering 50 nafal of shukr... I regret telling a lie but I am afraid to tell her the truth. What should I do?

Moderation in waleemah

Q: Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), in his waleemah in his marriage to Zainab bint Jahsh (Radhiyallahu Anha) spent extra on the waleemah, fed meat etc.

Can it thus be said that having a big waleemah is sunnat, (without breaking any laws of sharee'at etc) just like having a small and simple one is found in the hadith to be the most blessed.

What should be done with remainder money after contributing towards a gift?

Q: I had set aside a certain amount of cash to use for a gift that my sister's and I were going to give collectively. A year later my sister was ready to buy the gift, however the gift was less than the amount expected. I paid my portion of the gift. But there is still some cash leftover. Can I keep this cash for myself or do I have to gift it to the person intended. I had only set aside the cash as I had made a commitment and in the case of death I did not want it unfulfilled.

Can Allah Ta`ala talk to us?

Q: Can Allah talk to us directly?

What if someone is claiming that Allah is talking to them? They are also saying that the angels are explaining the tafseer while they are reading it. They also say that sometimes jinn talk to them and they can clearly distinguish who is talking to them. 

Distributing one's property to one's siblings

Q: My father built a house and the house was on my grandmother's name. Now the house is on my mother's name. My father and grandmother are both dead respectively and now my mother transfered this house on my elder brother's name. We are 4 brothers and 3 sisters. My brother got the market value of the house and divided the property between us seven family member including him. What does Islam say about the division of the property?