Proposing for a girl who does not speak to her father

Q: My question is that I met this girl and she and I have good intentions but I got to find out from her that her father treated her mother very badly and abandoned her and her children. So now she now she said that shew doesn’t consider her father a part of her life and when she meets him she doesn’t even talk to him.

1. Is she right to do this to her father? 

2. Can I ask for her hand in marriage from another person when her father is still alive just because she is not on good terms with him?

Hadith regarding preventing toddlers from attending the musjid

Q: Does the following Hadeeth have any weaknesses attached to it?

Wathila Ibn Al-Asqa' (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrates that the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "Keep away from your masjids your children, your lunatics, your buying, your selling, your disputes, raising your voices, implementation of your hudood and withdrawing of your swords. Make provision at its doors for fulfilling needs of purity; and perfume it with incense on Fridays." (Sunan Ibn Maaja, hadith 750)

If so, can it still be used for advising/preventing toddlers from coming to the masjid?

Becoming despondent due to not finding a halaal job

Q: An elderly Hafez offered me a job over the phone. However, his first task for me was to work on a website with haraam pictures, which he emailed to me. I replied with a very polite and respectful email asking him to please excuse me from this website owing to the animate images. It is now a month later and he has not even responded. I am feeling sad as I felt that at least I will have a halaal job working for a Muslim with a kurtah and beard.

In fact, I have contacted numerous Muslims in my industry seeking work. I even offered working for free so that I can gain experience. Only one Muslim even responded. Then too, every Muslim business employs female staff. Nothing halaal is forthcoming. Please advise me.

Husband saying "Hate talaaq"

Q: In the beginning of my marriage, my wife did something that made me upset. But we did not fight. She left and I started getting thoughts of divorce. But I pushed them away and told myself that no divorce, these things happen throughout life. And the thoughts of divorce also got me upset. Then as I was walking to my room words came out of my mouth. Actually the words were not good and I am also ashamed of them so I will not mention them here but will substitute the words. The words were: "Hate the talaq, hate the the talaq, talaq ko talaq (divorve to divorce in Urdu) As soon as I said these statements, a sudden thought came to my mind that what if these words caused a divorce. I kept getting waswasa a for few days and I kept telling myself that no I was upset at the thoughts of divorce and I was saying this not to my wife but in order to show my hate towards the divorce.

After 2 months I started getting the thoughts again about the statements I made. While I was thinking about what I said, the words "talaq ko talaq" i.e (divorce to divorce in Urdu) came out of my mouth again all of a sudden. I am so upset why these words came out of my mouth. What should I do?

Should I take it as waswasa and leave it, or what should I do?

Suppose a person is having intention of divorce in his heart, and all of a sudden he said those words i.e. "hate the talaq, hate the talaq, talaq ko talaq" what would be the ruling then.