Wife threatening to leave her husband

Q: I got married in 2001 to a revert woman. We have three children 17, 9 and 8 year old. I am working abroad and visit twice a year. My wife is unhappy because I support my mother since my father passed away 4 years ago. I provide for her well enough accordingly to my ability.

We have a problem for about 10 years and I am afraid that if I leave her she will become apostate and my children's future will be in trouble. All the time she threaten's me that she will leave and marry another person. She openly opposes to support my mother and sisters. She stopped any physical relations with me 8 years ago. What should I do?

Women's rukoo

Q: I was bowing in ruku and usually I tend to bend my knees slightly when doing so because apparently that is how a woman’s salah is supposed to be according to Hanafi mazhab. My hands are usually clasped around my knees. I suddenly remembered that I read that women aren't supposed to clasp their hands over their knees and was going to move them. I believe I intended on moving my body and arms a little up so the tips of my fingers would reach the top of my knees. I ended up not really moving much I think - I only moved my hands a little up I think.

1. Is my salah fine?

2. Would my salah have been invalidated if I moved my arms and body up too?

What should be given priority when looking to move to another country?

Q: I have job offers in three different countries. My wife is pregnant so we need to move before the baby is born but she needs to get a visa in each place. All the jobs have benefits, some have a better salary, some are easier to get a visa, etc.

What should I look at as a priority? I know Allah has given me opportunities but I want to make a choice that pleases Him.

Is smoking harmful?


1. Is smoking a cigarette haram and is consuming paan haram? As we know that smoking is the #1 preventable cause of death. I have been confused about smoking cigarettes. I have heard that its haram because it damages your health, it's a waste of money, and Allah says وَلاَ تُلْقُواْ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ إِلَى التَّهْلُكَةِ and smoking is literally destroying yourself. I have also heard its makrooh, so which one is it? Also about paan, it damages your health as my uncle has lost his teeth due to it.

2. How do you reply to someone who says that my death has already been written by Allah. A cigarette can't kill me faster or change my death date. What do you say to them?

Will a muslim inherit from his non-muslim relative in a non-muslim country?

Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding inheritance between Muslims and non-Muslims? In other words, is it permissible for Muslims to inherit from non-Muslims and vice-versa? Similarly, will there be any difference in the ruling in a Muslim country and a non-Muslim country? Lately, I was informed by a friend that the law of Muslims and non-Muslims not inheriting from each other only applies in a Muslim country. My friend says that as far as a non-Muslim country is concerned, Muslims will inherit from non-Muslims but non-Muslims will not inherit from Muslims. Is this mas’alah correct? My friend had given some reference of a statement of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi (rahmatullahi alayh) mentioned in Imdaadul Ahkaam. Is this correct, that Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi (rahmatullahi alayh) had mentioned that Muslims residing in a non-Muslim country will inherit from the non-Muslims?

Zakaat on lost items

Q: I have to pay zakat for the previous year on some date in January and sometime ago I lost some of my gold. They were misplaced and one top went into the gutter. So do I need to pay zakat of the prev year on january for the misplaced items and what about the one which is gone into the gutter?