Making mistakes during Ibaadat

Q: I know a person who has many problems and difficulties when it comes to performing salaah, reciting Quraan and making zikr. He has a bad memory, poor concentration and experiences difficulty in pronouncing Arabic words properly. He makes many mistakes when performing salaah and reciting the Quraan. Is it still necessary for him to carry out ibaadaat such as salaah and reciting the Quraan despite making so many mistakes? 

Imaam of the Haram making intention for leading women in Salaah

Q: It is sunnah for women to offer salah at home. However, when performing tawaaf, if the time of salaah enters, then should she read it with jamaat behind the imaam in the haram? After the salaah ends, many women are offering individual salaah. Is there a sin if I walk infront of them? There is too much of a rush so one cannot wait for all the women to finish salaah. What should one do in this situation?

Husband sleeping separate from wife


1. I have a bedroom in which I sleep with my 3 year old daughter. Theres lots of space in my room but my husband does not sleep in the same room as me. Do u think he should sleep in the same room or is it ok for him to sleep seperate from me?

2. Is it wrong for both of us to sleep in one bed as we have children aged 18 to 3 years?

3. Is it wrong for my children to see us sleeping in one bed?

Coloured discharge seen during the days of haidh

Q: I have clear and also yellowish discharge on a daily basis. I may begin my period in 4/5 days. I’m getting yellowish discharge - but this is, as I said, normal for me. However, I’m also getting lower abdomen pain. Like a twinging feeling - it seems a little similar to cramps. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to count this as haidh. What usually happens to me every month is, I see brownish discharge (which is old blood, so I know for sure it is hayd) then I see regular brown/red blood. But if yellow discharge is considered blood, then what do I do in this situation? Some women go through something called ‘pre-menstrual syndrome’ a week or two before our periods. I’m not sure if the cramp like feelings are a result of this syndrome or not or even something else.