Should the Imaam terminate the salaah in the case of an earthquake?

Q: If an Imam is leading an obligatory prayer in the Masjid and an earthquake strikes severely, under the Shariah, should he not suspend that salah and ensure for human safety and not show heroism? Taking the cue from the ruling on rains and harsh cold weather and the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s command to stay at home and pray, is earthquake not a bigger calamity? 

Keeping the name "Arham"

Q: I like the name Arham for my son, however some people have pointed out that this name is associated with Allah Ta'ala and should not be given to a person. Please advise whether we should change his name to something different or is this an acceptable name in Shariah?

Killing a lizard

Q: Today, my mother ordered my to kill a lizard that was in our house. It was the size of an index finger. I truly hate killing insects and pests and prefer to just take them outside. But in the heat of the moment I killed it. I am feeling very bad about it because I value life of other beings. I am still feeling bad about it. I really want to forget that but I cant. Is what I did haram?