Girl demanding more money before marriage

Q: I had a nikkah before 8 months and before nikkah we agreed about haq mahr which was 300000 pk RS but during writing the nikkah, the father of the girl changed his mind without even informing me and asked to write 4000$ insteed of 300000 pk RS.

Also, he added a condition that if I give talak (breaking of nikkah ) before marriage, I have to pay 6000$ if I give talak after marriage, I have to pay 15000$. I was shocked and tried to ask why all this changed. The witness told me that it's ok because I'm not going to give talak. It's just a formality, so I accepted out of respect because they will be my family.

Later on we agreed about the day of marriage and they asked for the remaining money. I sent it to them and the remaining 100000, I told them that I will pay it later. They said ok and we agreed about the shaadi date.

All of a sudden the girl and her dad changed their mind again and asked for more money and the girl said she wants to continue studying and I have to wait if I love her.

At this moment I called for help and for a separation and I wanted to break this relationship. What will the consequences be and what do I have to do now? Will they deserve the have of haq mahr as mentioned in Quran or they have to return all my money and what about the condition of 6000$? 

Maintaining family ties

Q: What is the meaning of the verse:“O Mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.”[Quran 4:1]

And “But those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and spread corruption on earth – for them is the curse, and they will have the worst abode.”[Quran 13: 25]

Which kinship is Allah Ta'ala talking about? Is it only my parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings and first cousins?

Wife requesting separate living quarters

Q: I am married and have 3 kids. I am the eldest in my family. My mother, one married and one unmarried brother lives with me in my house becasue my father passed away 9 years ago and my family moved in with me after that. Now both brothers are working as well. The relationship between my wife and mother is not good and it is going from bad to worse even after some reconsiliation and guiding. Both of them regard want their rights in Islam.

My wife is now demanding a separate accomodation and requesting me to ask my family to get a separate house because the house in which we are living is owned by her. I humbly request my brothers and mother but they all get annoyed and my mother gets very rude and very disappointed. I request them all to get accomodation near my house as they can afford it or I will support them in any way possible. I told my mother that I still love her and she is my first love. I respect her and I made this decision because of  my love for her. Did I do the right thing or did I disrespect my mother?