Marrying an adulteress


1. What is the meaning of the 3rd ayat of Surah Noor about the fornicator males are for the fornicator females?

2. I have come across that if a wife quarrels with her husband then her husbands hoors curse his wife. Is it true? What happens when it is his fault and he does wrong to the wife?

Does an adulteress have to marry an adulterer?

Q: I love a Muslim girl and wanted to marry her but she commited zina previously with someone else and she repented for that sin. Her argument is that she will only marry a zani male cause its written in the Quran. She can't find any Ayat and Hadees which mentions that the zaniya who repents can marry any muslim male.  So I want to know if you could please give me any ayat or hadees where it mention that a zaniya that repents can marry any muslim male.

Will touching a dry impurity make one impure?

Q: I am currently abroad and I have been doubting everything recently. I was recently told that theres a potential of lard (pig fat) being used in the making of bread here in some of the bakeries. My friends eat that bread because they are non Muslims.

My question is, if they were to eat the bread which is a dry entity and then touch me with it after they are done, would I become najis, or does impurity only travel through wetness? 

Can a working partner receive a salary from the partnership?

Q: I was recently given a 1/3 share in a business (i.e.without investing anything). However I am currently a working partner in the business. My question is

1. Am I intitled to a salary?

2. When the shares are distributed, do I recieve any?

3. If i am not intitled to a salary, what is the way foward with regards to me recieving extra due to being a working partner?


Q: My father died 3 years ago and he left some property behind and he didn’t write any will. He has only five daughters and a wife. His father and mother are not alive and he has no siblings from father's side but his mother got married to another man and she has 4 children. All his property is self made and he didn’t get a penny from his mother or anyone. Do we need to give some share to his brothers and sisters from his maternal side?