Recipients of Zakaat

Giving zakaat to one's niece on her wedding

Q: If anybody wants to give zakaat to their sister's daughter on her marriage. They have a house and their way of life is normal. But in the age of today, a marriage arrangements is a burden on them.

In this matter, can we give zakaat to them without telling them that this is zakat so they can buy some things. In this case some other people also help them, somebody gave a bedset, someone gave other things. What does Islam say about this. 

Giving zakaat to a person that one thought was eligible to accept zakaat

Q: I would like some advice on the following matter:

During this year's Ramadhaan, I distributed a portion of my zakaat to a person who was previously regarded as eligible for receiving zakaat. Today, I found out from a family member that after enquiring from their local Ulama, they found out that this person is no longer a recipient of zakaat.

Please advise whether the zakaat will be accepted or whether I have to distribute the sum of that amount again as Zakaat.

Being eligible for zakaat

Q: I am zakaat liable and collect zakaat from time to time from people, however this month I collected a large sum. Can I take out money for my kids Madrasah fees, transport fees and whatever I wish to pay for in the future and keep it aside so on a monthly basis I will have enough to pay for my expenses?

Example, I take out R1200 and keep it aside for fees from April till July so when I get my salary I can use that for other things I require.

Will I still be able to collect zakaat after this?