Beardless man giving the azaan and iqaamah
Q: What is the ruling regarding a beardless man giving the azaan and iqaamah?
Q: What is the ruling regarding a beardless man giving the azaan and iqaamah?
Q: Should one reply to the second azaan before the jumuah khutbah?
Q: Is it sunnah to give azaan into a new born baby’s ear and is there any hadith provided?
Q: Is it permissible for a Shaafi to perform Iqamah according to the Hanafi madhab due to the majority of musallees and the imam being Hanafi?
Q: Should a Muslim girl call out the azaan in low voice?
Q: If the Azaan starts while testing hifdh students, is it better to pause the recitation and reply to the Azaan or should the student carry on reciting but then can (the ustaadh) reply to the Azaan?
Q: What is the ruling of iqaamah whilst reading alone according to the Hanafi mazhab... Is it sunnah or wajib?
Q: Please advise if children are allowed to play outside during zawaal time, zohr azaan and asr azaan.
If they are allowed, does their hair need to be covered when they are outside during these times?
I am asking about kids that are not baligh yet.
Q: When performing qadha salaat (qadha umri) at home, do I need to recite Iqamat?
The qadha salaah that I was offering was not missed by me in the first instance. I had offered them but later it transpired that those salaat were not valid. For such salaah, should I recite iqamat when performing it at home?
Q: On Friday, when the imam comes out for the khutbah and the 2nd azaan is given in front of him, then should we read the dua after azaan verbally or should we read it in our heart since we have to adopt silence at that time?