
Marital problems

Q: Alhamdulillah I am married to a wonderful man for four years and we have been blessed with two beautiful sons. Before we married, my husband explained that he fully financially supported his unemployed parents. I accepted that and agreed that it was his duty as their eldest son. He pays for their house, all their living expenses and medical bills. However during the past two years it has transpired that my father in law has accumulated a large amount of debt. This includes credit card debt, overdue accounts and money he has borrowed over the past 15 years, from other family members. I have also recently realised that my husband's unemployed brother and his (employed) wife are having all their daily meals at my in-laws without any contribution to the grocery bill. My husband also has a divorced sister with three kids , now living with his parents and making a minimum contribution. It has become clear to me that all my father in law's debt has accumulated in trying to pay for extra groceries as well as some failed business attempts. I have a full time job and rely on my parents and extra domestic help - to help raise my two boys. I need to be employed in order to pay half of all our own living expenses - because my husband would not be able to afford paying for two homes. My in-laws are of no support to us because they have no income and they are looking after their other grandchildren. I have insisted that my husband and his siblings start paying off their father's debt as further interest keeps on accumulating. Up to now, none of them had made any attempts to start rectifying the bad financial situation. The financial strain ,as well the stress of juggling being a full time working mum, is starting to suck the joy out of my marriage. Firstly - I need clarity as to whether my father in law's debt will become the responsibility of my husband and sons,should he die before paying all his dues. Secondly - am I entitled to ask my husband to start insisting that his siblings make more of a contribution, since all the debt was literally accumulated to feed them. Thirdly - if my husband was not supporting his siblings, I would not need to work in order to assist financially - because he would have enough to run our home, and I could be home with my kids. What rights do I have as a muslim wife to enforce this? My in-laws lack financial management skills. All my attempts in trying to show them how to budget and save have been met with resistance, because they see me as having a priveleged lifestyle since I come from a financially stable family. My own parents worked very hard to ensure that we were never raised with debt and also made sure we never lived beyond our means. The value system and work ethic that I have been raised with regarding money and lifestyle, seems to be very different to my in-laws. And I want to make sure that my children are not influenced by their bad spending habits. An example would be my divorced sister in law who has not paid her kids school fees for three years. However, when she received her December bonus - the first thing she bought was Justin Beiber concert tickets! This shows me that she was raised with an entitlement attitude - my kids are entitled to concert tickets, even though I have not paid for their private school education and also refuse to put them into a cheaper public school. My in-laws go on holiday every December , which is usually paid for by my husband. Instead of telling their son to forfeit the holiday in order to maybe use the same money to pay off some of their debt - they happily enjoy the "undeserved" luxury and post holiday pics all over social media. My main concern is for my own children - I am trying to raise them with good values, and showing them that it is a sin to waste and be extravagant - because that will take the barakah out of your life. Please advise or suggest ways in which I can help save my marriage without having to threaten my husband with separation , if he does not enforce stricter financial control with his family.

Father in-law not behaving correctly

Q: I had a excellent relationship with my in laws until Monday night. My wife made a request to visit her Granny at her parents place before leaving back to Cape Town. I agreed. We arrived at my inlaws place. I greeted everybody as usual and sat down with my father inlaw and brother inlaw. Azaan called and we all left for Esha. When we returned from Esha I did not go in to the house, I sat outside on the portch. I could overhear father inlaw, my wife, and my brother inlaw discussing his technicon registration, so the discussion went on for and hour or so while I sat outside on my own relaxing. My wife and father inlaw step out of the house, and my wife said she is ready to go, but she and my father inlaw was still saying a few words to each other, while I sat on the couch not saying anything. My father inlaw all of a sudden began to swear at me and shout me, telling me to get out. When i questioned him in a polite manner as to why is behaving in this manner he began to aggressive and wanted to beat me up. I was shocked. I got up jumped in my car and drove off. I was in a state of shock,it was the second time he has done this to me, The first I overlooked it and walked away. The next morning he sends me a text apologising for this, I did not reply as I am very upset as I have always respected this man and treated him like my own father. My question is, my wife shows no remorse for her fathers actions, secondly I need to know that i have decided not to go to my inlaws home anymore as I feel threatened and uneasy, is the permissible, and I will only allow my wife to visit once a week, and not go any where with her parents without my consent. Please reply with advise also.

Marital problems

Q: I am a 22 years old married girl. It's been 2 years that I am married and have no children yet because my husband wanted me to study further. I live with my in-laws and I am having problems with the way I feel ignored time to time. I sometimes am the centre of attention and other times they're all in a gloomy mood and I feel uncomfortable sitting between them. I want to be heard and I am having anxiety issues and other problems because of the stress I am taking. Kindly tell me an effective dua for value, importance and love between me and my family and a happy life, I would be grateful.

Marital problems

Q: I got my nikaah done six months ago. Rukhsati was due on my visa procedures as my husband is living in US. Everything was all good but after few months of our marriage my in laws seems to be wanting to end this relation there reason is they have bad feelings they feel I am not right for my husband and they want us to separate. My husband, me and my family don't want to end this marriage. My husband is confused to choose what's best. He wants this marriage to workout. He has been trying to convince his parents and they don't seem to change their minds although not giving a proper reason they just say its their bad feelings. Both the parents and me and my husband did isthkhara before nikkah and we were positive about it. I don't know why is this happening what is right thing to do here?

Girl speaking to her mother in-law and sister in-law before nikaah

Q: A girl is engaged and her nikah will be after few months. Her mother in-law telephones her and asks her khair khabar once in a while she also telephones her. Is there anything wrong in telephoning one's in-laws before nikaah? Please note that she doesn't speak with father in-law or her fiance as they are not halaal for her yet. She just speaks with her mother in-law and sister in-law.