
In-laws demanding big amount of money

Q: I performed only nikah with a girl back in February 2016. Her elder sister is married with my elder brother. Now some problems happened between my brother and his wife and they even went to court for their personal matter solution. Her family started threatening us and told us clearly that they will not arrange to send their 2nd daughter who is my wife to our house untill we write any property or big amount on her name. We are not able to meet this demand and it was also not a part when nikah was performed. Now I have decided to divorce her immediately. But may be in future I still expect they might change their conditions. What should I do? If I divorce her, what will be the possibilities and how can I remarry her if any solution is done? Please guide me.

Problems with the in-laws

Q: My in laws, especially mother in law tends to fight with me. She always blames me for her sons actions. We both working people, I work shifts and he works office hours, we always visit them on the weekend and for occasions in the week we are present and Thursday nights. If he works or I'm working then we can't go unfortunately, now she doesn't want to understand that if he is working, she will say that he is telling lies. She then sends me messages that it's because of me that his acting this way, all his sisters don't work, only his brother works but he works flexi hours, I don't know what to do, I really love my husband but feel I don't want to be part of this family, I can never boast about my husband to her because she becomes angry and jealous. Please advise as I'm suffering from depression due to constantly being oppressed by his family.

Ill-treatment from in-laws

Q: I got married on 5 feb 2017. From that day my mother and father in law are disrespecting and showing anger to me. I am a working woman. After office I do home chores and when they are sick I take care of them. But still they are not happy and always having small complaints.

On the other hand, my husband loves me alot. He makes me understand but doesnt tell his parents to cool down. We are happy together but I get angry on him sometimes. Kindly guide me as I'm sad and no peace in mind and heart.

Wife wishing to serve her parents

Q: My question is that my son is married and is living in another town which is half way between us and his in laws. He wants to move back to where we are living but his wife's does not want to move as she feels that she has a duty to live near her parents as she is the oldest and has no brothers. In Islam, should she obey her husband as to where he wants to live and accept it or does she have any other rights? There is no restriction to her as she is free to meet her parents as she wishes.

In-laws taking away daughter in-law's jewellery and refusing to pay her mahr

Q: Is it right for an ex husband and his family to keep all the wifes jewelleries and refused to pay her maher? Last year his parents went for hajj but they still refused to give back what is hers. What's the Islamic understanding of this matter? She left it upto Allah but doesn't understand why they would steal her jewellery without her consent.

At what age should girl get married?

Q: I am a 19 year old female and would like to know

1. What is the right age for a Muslim women to make nikah?

2. According to the sunnah how should a woman find a spouse?

3. Why do the Ulamaa say its best for a pregnant woman to read Surah Maryam and Surah Yusuf during her pregnancy?

4. What are the benefit of reading those surahs?

5. Are there any ahadith saying that married women should live/stay with their in laws?

Marital Problems

Q: I work in qatar and I dont have family status to bring my wife and kids. I just got opportunity to work abroad. My brother works in dubai and stays with his wife and kids. My sisters husband recently got opportunity in saudi without family status. So my sister stays with my parents. Sisters husband also trying for family visa due to situtation, but his company not giving him and he is trying utmost level. Once he gets it he'll take my sister to saudi.

My wife was staying with my family members and after my sister comes home, my wife is upset due to my parents giving more importance to my sisters kids. Because of this my wife fought with me and now she is in her mothers house.

After continuous quarells with me, my brother got to know she had daily quarel with me, so brother called and shout her. So my wife got very angry and she informed to her parents and fight went beyond. Everyone knows in our society, how innocent my parents are, just because of they give importance to daughter kids, my wife got jealous due to this. She feels my parents doesnt care to take care my kids and they take care to my sister kids like that she feels.

We stay in rent house my things and brother things are in same rent house. In my house we have one big room and 1 small. big room my sister and parents sleep and small room me, my wife and kids. I knows its difficult to stay in small room due to small room, my wife fight daily with me to shift the house. During that time my finance was weak. Now al hamdhulilah i am earning good.

Now my wife wants separate rent house with my parents, she put the condition my brother things should not come, because my brother shouted her. My brother sasural family is from hyderabad, so we cannot send back their things, my parents will feel bad and brother sasural also feel bad if we send back their things. If we see two rents house, its difficult to manage to my parents, now they are old. My brother stay in abroad. I told my wife, please dont break brother bond, my parents cant take care two rent house and its difficult to maintain. But my wife is not ready to accept for this and she daily fights with me same. If i say my parents they feel very sad for this. Please advice me what step to be taken.