
Terminating a partnership

Q: I have decided to terminate my partnership and need help regarding the following:

1) We will be finalising the balance sheet and come to a nett figure. Is it correct to calculate the nett value of the business after depreciating all the assets to current market value?

2) All accounts receivables will be calculated at 100% recovery rate less standard discounts that clients would normally take. This figure will than be used as the nett value against monies receivable. The partners agreed to this recovery rate.

3) The partners have agreed on a repayment plan.

Is the exiting partner entitled to a profit share whilst the outstanding monies of his hasn't been paid from the business. Does this apply whether the exiting partner comes to the work place or not. We understand that as partners we are not entitled to a fixed salary but rather to profit share.

4) Is charging for future earnings permissible. Is there any kitaab that we can read that will have shariah rules to answer all the complexities of desolving a business partnership. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all.


Q: I purchased a 33.3% share in a property (empty land). I paid the asking price. I decided to return my share to the Muslim brother I purchased from because I did not have additional funds to contribute towards the building. I have not as yet received any refund for my share that I returned. In the process, the Muslim brother has sold my share to somebody else and as payment accepted 2 apartments. These apartments were offered to me as payment. I refused. In the process additional building has started taking place on the property. My question is, do I have a right to take back my share considering that I have as yet not received payment for it? and 1) If no, I understand 2) If yes, at what price must I contribute towards the new building that has been happening. I know I have to contribute a third, but is the Muslim brother allowed to put a mark up on the building or not, considering that I am an equal third partner. (3 partners, muslim brother, his brother and myself.)

Avoiding quarrels and disputes

Q: I'm in a partnership with my cousin and I wish to exit the partnership. Is it possible for me to go into the same type of business. We have a verbal agreement that neither of us will do the same trade during or after the partnership. Please clarify whether this agreement complies with Shari'ah.

Dissolving a Partnership

Q: My brother and I started a shop together 10 years ago. Everything has been done equally so far. If we now want to separate the partnership, can one brother buy the other brothers share by paying him 50% the amount of stock and fixtures and fittings? Please advise as to how this should be carried out.

Share of profit fixed as percentage of capital


1. I got an offer from somebody that if I invest some money with him, for example 100 USD then he will give me back 130USD after one month without any work. Is it halaal?

2. Somebody told me if I invest 100 USD in his website and work daily for it (I think work will be related to share his company, website or post something about his business on social media) then he will give me 130USD back after the month. Is it halaal?

3. Somebody told me if I invest 100 USD in his Business/Website and daily work for it (work is related to his advertisement) then he will give me back 200 USD means double after the month. If I do not work for them then they will give me only 20% earnings on my investment on monthly basis. Is it halaal?

4. Somebody told me if I invest 100 USD with him whether I work he will give me 30% on my investment and if I do not work then he will also pay me 30% on my investment. Is it halaal?

5. Somebody told me if I invest 100 USD with him and daily work for it (work is related to his advertisement) then he will give me 30% profit on it and if I do not work then he will not give me any profit means my earnings/profit depends on my daily work. Is it halaal?

6. Somebody told me if I invest 100 USD with him then he will give me 130% on end of month means 130 USD. There is no work for me. Now here is the question they said either they earn 1000 USD or 1 Lac USD they will give me fixed 130% and something occurs bad and if they collapse their business/website then they will give me real seed money/investment without any profit. Is it halaal?

7. If I buy 50 USD AdPack from any Website/Company and it makes 55 USD and the work is watching of 10 Ads Daily then after making of 55 USD the adpack expires (ads are related to different websites, companies, hotels etc, means related to every aspect of life). Is it halaal?

Shirkat me tankhwa lena

Q: Mein ne do saal pehle karoobar sharakat pe shuroo kia. Lekin me job bhi karta hoon. Mera patner monthly salary 3000 bussiness se laita hai aur karobaar bhi 50% profit. Meri salary 6000 hain. Lekin mein bahar job karts hoon. Abhi mera patner kehta hai ke aaj tak extra 3000 tum ne extra liye hain. Wo mujhe dedo. Please help for this question.

Partnership problems

Q: Four months ago I got a business proposal from my ex boss who had asked me to become a minor partner in his new venture. Its a software compnay. The business proposal sounded promising and exciting. But since my ex boss is a Non-Muslim it caused a concerned with me. I did Isthikhara and everything looked fine. I was given much more shares of partnership than what i would have asked for without me asking for it. I took this as a positive sign of Isthikhara. I did a bit of research and asked everyone around and everyone seemed to like the idea. I was supposed to bring business and he was supposed to deliver the projects Now as business has started coming in (much lesser than what we had predicted) however he is falling short of his words and is not able to deliver as promised. He keeps telling he is working on it but there seems to be a lack of interest on his part. There seems to be a great potential for the business but his lack of interest and response has made it difficult for me as i am dependent on him for delivering the projects. I left my job for this venture and now I am stuck having no idea where to go. I prayed Isthikhara whether i should continue this business ( As of now i have no other option. I would have to search for a job) and felt good and felt like to go with it. My ex boss again made promises and said this time he is 100% sure about it. However 2-3 weeks down the line he has again failed to keep up with it stating that he is already working much more than expected.But he is not able to deliver what he had promised. I feel like telling him i dont want to work for this venture anymore due to his failure to deliver ( he would never accept his failure). But i am worried if he agrees to end this venture i would have absolutely no source of income. Apart from failure to deliver it is also his attitude which is worrying me as some times its positive and consoling and some times it negative and not interested kind. He has various business and this software venture is one of them so if he fails in this it wont effect him much. But for me this venture is the only source of livelyhood What should i do in this scenario. Should i pray Isthikhara again whether to continue this business. If i leave this business and go find some job i would become a laughing stock in the family and be labelled as some one who has failed. I jumped into this venture hoping my ex boss would deliver. Please help i have no idea where my life is going and everything looks dark. Please help.