Woman leaving out the sunnah salaah due to work
Q: Can I perform my fardh only for my salaahs and leave out my sunnats, since I'm at work and when I get home I see to my baby, husband and cook etc.
Q: Can I perform my fardh only for my salaahs and leave out my sunnats, since I'm at work and when I get home I see to my baby, husband and cook etc.
Q: How many rakaats are the sunnah muakkadah salaah? Can you explain to me the various sunnah muakkadah salaah that are performed with the fardh and what are the virtues of performing them?
Q: Today, my Moulana told us that if we did not read the full 12 rakaats of Zuhr Salaah, then we should go and read it. I had only read the 4 fardh and I was rushing a lot. We were writing our Jamiatul Ulama exams so I thought that if I go to read the sunnats, then I will have less time to write the paper, so I lied to my Ustaad and did not go to read the sunnats. Now I am feeling bad for deceiving and lying to my Ustaad. Will I be sinful if I leave out performing the sunnats?
Q: If someone offers only the fardh salaah and leaves out performing the sunnah salaah, then what is the Islamic ruling? Is it a sin to leave out the sunnah salaah and only offer the fardh?
Q: I had offered 2 rakaahs of sunnah after zuhr, but I forgot that I already offered it. So I offered it again, but I mistakenly faced the wrong direction instead of the Qiblah. Should I offer the sunnah again?
Q: Suppose I come to the masjid and I have little time before zuhr jamaat to pray the 4 sunnah muakkadah. Can I pray 2 unit rakah before fardh and 2 after fardh so that I can join the jamaat or the 4 units cannot be split?
Q: Which salaah is more important, Sunnat Muakkadah or Tahajjud?
1. Is it compulsory to pray sunnat-e-muakkadah namaaz immediately after finishing the farz namaz?
2. Can I pray farz namaz with jamat in the masjid and then go home and pray the sunnat-e-muakkadah namaz?
Q: I have a lot of gas when I wake up in the morning for fajr. It is almost an everyday thing. Sometimes the feeling for breaking wind is strong and I pray the fardh prayer first then the sunnah 2 rakahs in case I miss the prayer if I have to break my wudu. Is that valid given my situation of having lots of gas in stomach?
Q: Does one have to make qadhaa of sunnah salaah?
For example, if a person misses the sunnah salaah for Zuhr, and performs 'Asr, should he perform the qadhaa of Zuhr sunnats?