Finding out one's zakaat date
Q: Before I got married, my parents used to pay my zakaat. They used to pay it in Ramadaan.
After I got married, for 3 years I never worked out my zakaat in Ramadaan and it got left till last year. On the 1st of Zul Hijjah, I went and got my jewellery weighed and sorted out my zakaat. Gold was at its highest that it has been in years that time so I paid that amount for all the years as the jeweller said that it will be higher than the other years that I never pay. Alhamdulillah I payed off everything last year. I wanted to know for this year, am I supposed to calculate my zakaat in Ramadaan or should I now calculate it on the 1st of Zul Hijjah?
I did not calculate it in Ramadaan this year as I thought I should value it that same day as I did last year.