
Paying zakaat on one's contribution towards a provident fund

Q: At my previous job, some years back there was a provident fund which I contributed a certain percentage and the company contributed a certain percentage. However after I left that job I forgot about that money and now while trying to take it out from the fund, I am experiencing difficulties as many years passed by and the account became redundant. Do I have to pay zakaat on that amount.

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's wife

Q: One year ago I got married. My wife was gifted with gold from her parents and my parents too. The gold qualifies the "nisab" amount. She is a domestic wife. First I planned to pay zakaat on the the gold in a lumpsum after one year. But being a salaried person I could not do it as per my planning. Now I intend to pay a certain portion of zakaat from my salary each month. Please guide me on how should I calculate zakaat. For example on completion of the first year, the rate of gold was different from now.

Spending on one's family with the intention of sadaqah

Q: My friend is about to undergo surgery and prior to surgery, she wants to give sadaqah to her metarnal grandmother as she is needy too.

Whatever is spent on one's family is the best sadaqah but we never intend to count it as sadaqah before spending. We just simply fulfill their needs. Can we make the niyyat of sadaqah before spending on my children, husband or other family members?