
Calculating zakaat

Q: I have never had nisab for a full year. I normally get a bonus at the end of each year and then usually my income goes under the nisab during the year.

I do not have any other savings, investments, gold, silver, etc, but I do have nice furniture and expensive appliances. I also have a shariah loan outstanding for my car which I am still paying off.

Please advise if Zakaah is compulsory on me.

Placing a plaque with a short dua instead of the donor's name on a well

Q: There is great rewards in making sadqah in the form of wells. I wanted to know if on the well it is permissible to have a dua instead of the donors name. There are wells I've contributed towards, but charities insist on a donor's name. My intention was to make Allah pleased so I requested short duas on the plaques instead. So the benefactor remembers blessings. Is this permissible?

Giving something in sadaqah instead of throwing it away

Q: I was for Umrah in Madina and had around 15 atar bottles which I didn't like and thought of giving to someone instead of throwing them away. I found a street vendor and gave it to him. He also gave me one atar and miswak as part of gesture.

1. Is it ok to give from my side? Will I be rewarded?

2. Can I take it from him? I don't know his niyat of giving it to me, probably he mentioned this is from my side as you have given this to me.

3. Later, I gave both atar and miswak adding some money to a poor person. Is it correct?