
Zakaat on jewellery

Q: I was always thought that zakaat is paid on jewellery irrespective of whether it is used or not. Recently few people have insisted that no zakaat is paid on jewellery if it is being used. They claim you only pay on jewellery not used more than a year. Is this true? Please clarify so I can correct them.

Giving money in charity on the assumption that it is interest

Q: From the information I had available to me, I thought a sum of money was haraam interest. I gave this money to the poor without the intention of reward. I was later informed by the bank that in fact no interest was accruing in my account. I therefore gave out halaal money without the intention of reward. Will Allah Ta'ala still reward me despite the intention made at that time?


Q: Last couple of months my wife is very sick and I would like to give out Sadaqa. My question is 1:-What intention I must make? 2:-Can I give this Sadaqa to poor Non Muslims?

Zakaat on investments and loans


1. I invested some money in a company. Unfortunately, the company was a fraud. Government possessed all investments and it is still under investigation. Money is not in my possession any longer. Do I have to pay Zakaat on this?

2. I've loaned out money to a few people. No one has paid me back as yet. Do I have to pay Zakaat on this?

3. Do I have to calculate exactly 2.5% Zakaat or can I give more than this as Zakaat?

Zakaat of previous years

Q: My salary is 6500 qatari riyals among which I keep 2000 and the rest I give to my mother. From this 2000 in my bank I have around 24000 qatari riyals till now and I am working from 3 years. So should I pay zakaat and how to calculate it? I am 21 now and I never paid before but I realize I must make sure my money is paak and halaal. Please guide me.