Giving a person zakaat to settle his debt
Q: A brother has a bond on his house. Can he be given zakaat to settle his bond? He possesses the nisaab.
Q: A brother has a bond on his house. Can he be given zakaat to settle his bond? He possesses the nisaab.
Q: Please advise if the following items (which are treated as assets in the Annual Financial Statement) are included under zakaatable assets for the purposes of calculating your zakaat:
1)Prepaid Expenditure
2)Deposits held by Suppliers or service providers eg. The municipality
Will "Income received in advance" (normally treated as a liability in the Annual Financial Statement) be included in determining your zakaat?
Q: A woman wants to discharge her zakaah to a qualified recipient in another city. The recipient instructs a third person to collect that zakaah on his
behalf, and deposit in an account. The third person collects the zakaah. Therafter the recipient instructs the third person to please not deposit the zakaah, and not to collect it! Due to a delay in the third person collecting it! The third person after receiving this information via text message
acknowledges! Still collects and deposits the money! Now the bank account which was not the recipients account was in overdraft! With the result the entire zakaah amount was used up and the recipient did not receive it. So who is liable to replace that zakaah?
Q: We are in possession of a gold ring, also made up of diamonds, the ring was valued a year ago R18000.00, the weight is approx 3.93grams, is zakaat payable? I know the Nisaab for gold is 87.8 grams.
Q: Can I give extra money with the intention of sadqah to my maid who works at my place?
Q: If a non zakaatable person is given zakaat can he then take the zakaat and give it to someone who is zakaatable without telling the person
who gave them the zakaat that they are non zakaatable and is going to give the zakaat to someone else?
Q: Why is it zakat is not given to syeds? Then how are they going to benefit? Are they elligible only for sadaqa. If so why?
Q: Please tell me like some of the moulanas comes from different countries for collection for madrasahs. If somebody is working as a rehbar to show the moulana from where he can get zakaat, lillaah, sadqa and for this work he is paid some amount on a daily basis is this money halaal for the rehbar?
Q: I give money in charity but should I give money to homeless people on the street?
Q: Can mufti saheb please explain the difference between sadaqah and lillah?