Mustahab and Makrooh actions

Correcting a musallee who causes a disturbance in the musjid

Q: I have a few questions regarding a musallee and his children that come to the Musjid for Namaaz.

1. If a musallee becomes abusive and uses bad language on the Imam of the Musjid, and this was also mentioned in the presence of a Senior Aalim.

2. A musallee screams and shouts at an elderly Aalim regarding his Jumah Bayaan, this screaming and shouting is done in the presence of his children and in the Musjid premises.

3. Has no respect for the Musjid. He goes to the gas heater to warm his private parts by lifting his kurta up in the presence of all.

4. He reads his Sunday namaaz on the Imams Musalla.

5. He sits on the Mimbar and receites whatever he wants to receive.

6. He allows his children to stand next to the Muazzin who is giving Iqaamah, as he feels his children have the right to stand there.

7. He wants his children to correct the Imam during Fard Salaah even though they are not qualified Hafez.

8. He screams and shouts and utters vulgar language to any musallee and even went to the extent of accusing them that they are discriminating against him.

9. He reads his Sunnat namaaz anywhere in the Musjid even in the Mehrab and also at times moves the elderly out just so that he can prove he read on all the musallas in the Musjid.

What will the ruling be on the above matter. Can such a person still be allowed to come to the Musjid. By the way he only comes for Fajar and Jumah Salaah.

Chairs in the Musjid

Q: In our Masjid, as in many others there is a proliferation of chairs that are being used by Musallees to perform their salaat.

1. Can one Musallee (who uses a chair) place another chair reserving that place for another Musallee (who also uses the chair) in the absence of that Musallee. This implies that should the second Musallee arrive for Salaat (if and when?), he then has a place that has been reserved for him. This process is used to reserve a dedicated place/point in the Saff for themselves for all of their Salaat regardless if one of them attends or not.

2. For all intents and purpose is their merit in the suggestion that persons who use chairs to perform their salaat should perhaps be seated in the end/wing of each Saff?

3. Would it be appropriate to request that chairs be returned to their “designated” area after each Salaat and not left in the Saff once the Salaat has been completed.