
Father distributing his wealth during his lifetime

Q: My father distributed his estate during his lifetime. The following questions come to mind:

1. If it was given away in his lifetime, was it necessary to give the brothers double share and if it was done like this, is this valid in shariah?

2. His house was given to my mother with specific instructions to give it to my brother so that in does NOT go into her estate upon her demise. Was this correct?

Gifting one's property to one's wife and daughters in one's lifetime

Q: I want to ask regarding inheritance. I have 3 daughters, so at present when I pass away, after my wife and daughters receive their share, the majority will go to my brothers or if they are no longer living then to my nephews by my understanding.

If I was to put the majority of my property into my wife and daughters names and leave for example 10% in my name, when I die I assume the share of that 10% will go to my my wife and daughters, and the remaining will go to other male inheritors.

So you see my intention is that my wife and daughters get the majority share by me transferring most of my property into their names.

My question is whether that is permissible by Islamic law.

Gifting an item to a person upon one's death

Q: Please could I get clarity on the following regarding wills:

If a person wants a particular relative to receive a particular item upon his/her death, can this be done? (For instance, items that are currently in use that cannot be given during one's life e.g. a car, jewellery, sentimental items, etc.)

Can a person write in his Islamic will that upon his demise, such and such item of his should be given to person A? 

Giving one's inheritance to one's adopted child

Q: If a man has no children, can he allot all his inheritance to his one adopted child?

If a man has no children but has nieces and nephews, so he adopts a baby. Now, he has some inheritance on his name also. Their child, being a female got married. And now the man is willing to transfer the inheritance to his child completely as his brothers didn’t help him even a little in building the inheritance nor did the nephews and nieces. But the man had heard that inheritance could not be transferred to the adopted child. So, is there any possibility that the man can inherit all his property to his only adopted child legally by Islam, or if not then is it possible for the man to sell all the property to the child’s husband and the child’s husband then shifts the property to the man’s child name? Please help me in this regard. 

Receiving items of inheritance as a gift from the heirs of one's friend

Q: I am an expat in Saudi Arabia. One of my friends passed away here last December and his family had to move back to India. They sold most of the major items and got money and the remaining smaller items they gifted to others (Example: dinner plates, a wall clock, 3 unanimated wall hanging sceneries, etc. they gifted us and few items to others also).

Is it Ok to keep and use those items or must they be donated in charity? We are not need in need of those items and we just kept those items because we were very close to that family. What is the better option?

Distribution of assets purchased from the profits of an inherited property that was not distributed immediately after death

Q: I have a question regarding property issue as my father died almost 25 years ago and we are 7 brothers and 5 sisters living with mother Alhamdulillah.

My father left some agricultural land which we have not distributed untill now for some reasons but we have now agreed to divide it according to shariah.

My question is, in the 25 years we have purchased other properties as well like house, plots, car and tractor, etc. from the same agricultural land. How do we divide the other properties which we purchased after our father died?

Distributing properties of an estate according to share of inheritance

Q: Our father passed away recently leaving behind one house, 3 plots, 2 shops and 2 flats. We, the 6 baligh heirs (one widow, one brother and 4 sisters) want to distribute the wirasat in such a way that the worth of each property will be calculated and each heir will keep the property that falls within his/her share. E.g brother has a share of 50 lakh, and sister has a share of 25 lakh. So each one will keep the shop/flat or plot that is of the same worth. Is it permissible?