
Meaning of makrooh

Q: In several answers you use the word "makrooh", for example in the answer to the question "Omitting a Surah in-between two Surahs". Can you please clarify what you mean with "makrooh". Is it sinful to do a "makrooh" act as a one off? If so, what is the difference between "makrooh" and "haram"?

Keeping the name Mahin


1. A boy whos name is Mahin was advised to change his name because it doesn't have a good meaning, is it permissible to keep the name Mahin or is it compulsory to change the name?

2. What is the meaning of the name Mahin?

3. If it is permissible to keep the name Mahin how would you write it in Arabic?

4. Do you know of any similar names to Mahin which are permissible to keep and have a good meaning?

5. Is it permissible to keep the name Mahee or Mahi, what does it mean and how would you write it in Arabic?